🕰 In the 19th century, Paris experienced a cultural renaissance—The burghal has long and filthy rich prehistory that dates back to Roman times, and it has played an important role in the development of Western civilization. From the Middle Ages to the present day, Paris has been a center of art, literature, and philosophy. The burghal’s cultural heritage and intellectual vitality continued to attract artists, writers, and intellectuals from around the world. The Parisian lifestyle became a symbol of sophistication and refinement, and it continues to be an inspiration to artists and dreamers everywhere. An evident coquettishness to the John/Jane Q. Public to see the indulgence demeanor of Monsieur et Mademoiselle of Paris, would you be pleased to interwreathe?
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ On Google Drive
Formidable yet phantastic fascinateㅡItch e’ry mortals being forebearance would be lavish humanitarian to intervene and participate ‘round the forthcoming triumph ov’r @DeMars5v et @ElyseesDuRole euphoria withal mirthful spree through paraphernalia of th’ grandiose twibbon: Animated and Non-Animated. Fret not, nous déclarons #LaVieFrançaise as a hashtag set in motion along with the sovereign oeuvre d’art. We’ll opportunely give assistance to those who get into troublesome turmoil, feel free to contact the commonwealth thru @ParisFrenchbot with valuable manners and moreover congenial attitude.
Éloges respectueux de leur part,
Champ de Mars et Champs-Élysées.
🕰 In the 19th century, Paris experienced a cultural renaissance—The burghal has long and filthy rich prehistory that dates back to Roman times, and it has played an important role in the development of Western civilization. From the Middle Ages to the present day, Paris has been a center of art, literature, and philosophy. The burghal’s cultural heritage and intellectual vitality continued to attract artists, writers, and intellectuals from around the world. The Parisian lifestyle became a symbol of sophistication and refinement, and it continues to be an inspiration to artists and dreamers everywhere. An evident coquettishness to the John/Jane Q. Public to see the indulgence demeanor of Monsieur et Mademoiselle of Paris, would you be pleased to interwreathe?
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ On Google Drive
Formidable yet phantastic fascinateㅡItch e’ry mortals being forebearance would be lavish humanitarian to intervene and participate ‘round the forthcoming triumph ov’r @DeMars5v et @ElyseesDuRole euphoria withal mirthful spree through paraphernalia of th’ grandiose twibbon: Animated and Non-Animated. Fret not, nous déclarons #LaVieFrançaise as a hashtag set in motion along with the sovereign oeuvre d’art. We’ll opportunely give assistance to those who get into troublesome turmoil, feel free to contact the commonwealth thru @ParisFrenchbot with valuable manners and moreover congenial attitude.
Éloges respectueux de leur part,
Champ de Mars et Champs-Élysées.