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Det skulle bare gå få minutter fra dommen ble kjent tirsdag ettermiddag, til meldingen om at Breivik anker dommen kom. Hans forsvarer, advokat Øystein Storrvik, sier til NTB at klienten bare benytter seg av en rett han har.
It was only a few minutes from the verdict being announced on Tuesday afternoon, until the message that Breivik was appealing the verdict came. His defender, lawyer Øystein Storrvik, tells NTB that the client is only making use of a right he has.
Sono trascorsi solo pochi minuti dall'annuncio del verdetto martedì pomeriggio, fino a quando è arrivata la notizia che Breivik avrebbe presentato ricorso contro il verdetto. Il suo difensore, l'avvocato Øystein Storrvik, dice a NTB che il cliente si avvale solo di un diritto che gli spetta.
Quelques minutes seulement après l'annonce du verdict mardi après-midi, le message indiquant que Breivik faisait appel du verdict est arrivé. Son défenseur, l'avocat Øystein Storrvik, déclare à NTB que le client ne fait qu'exercer un droit dont il dispose.
Pasaron sólo unos minutos desde que se anunció el veredicto el martes por la tarde, hasta que llegó el mensaje de que Breivik estaba apelando el veredicto. Su defensor, el abogado Øystein Storrvik, afirma a NTB que el cliente sólo hace uso de un derecho que tiene.
– Han har en rett til å få saken overprøvd i lagmannsretten, og den retten har han valgt å benytte seg av, sier Storrvik som gikk gjennom hovedpunktene i dommen fra Telemark tingrett sammen med Breivik tirsdag ettermiddag.
- He has a right to have the case reviewed in the Court of Appeal, and he has chosen to make use of that right, says Storrvik, who went through the main points in the judgment from the Telemark district court together with Breivik on Tuesday afternoon.
In the trial, psychiatrist Randi Rosenqvist stated that Breivik would fail in society if he was released on parole, that he had major and possibly unsolvable problems and that there was a danger that he could commit violence again
It was only a few minutes from the verdict being announced on Tuesday afternoon, until the message that Breivik was appealing the verdict came. His defender, lawyer Øystein Storrvik, tells NTB that the client is only making use of a right he has.
Sono trascorsi solo pochi minuti dall'annuncio del verdetto martedì pomeriggio, fino a quando è arrivata la notizia che Breivik avrebbe presentato ricorso contro il verdetto. Il suo difensore, l'avvocato Øystein Storrvik, dice a NTB che il cliente si avvale solo di un diritto che gli spetta.
Quelques minutes seulement après l'annonce du verdict mardi après-midi, le message indiquant que Breivik faisait appel du verdict est arrivé. Son défenseur, l'avocat Øystein Storrvik, déclare à NTB que le client ne fait qu'exercer un droit dont il dispose.
Pasaron sólo unos minutos desde que se anunció el veredicto el martes por la tarde, hasta que llegó el mensaje de que Breivik estaba apelando el veredicto. Su defensor, el abogado Øystein Storrvik, afirma a NTB que el cliente sólo hace uso de un derecho que tiene.
– Han har en rett til å få saken overprøvd i lagmannsretten, og den retten har han valgt å benytte seg av, sier Storrvik som gikk gjennom hovedpunktene i dommen fra Telemark tingrett sammen med Breivik tirsdag ettermiddag.
- He has a right to have the case reviewed in the Court of Appeal, and he has chosen to make use of that right, says Storrvik, who went through the main points in the judgment from the Telemark district court together with Breivik on Tuesday afternoon.
In the trial, psychiatrist Randi Rosenqvist stated that Breivik would fail in society if he was released on parole, that he had major and possibly unsolvable problems and that there was a danger that he could commit violence again