𖠿 Galleria Eldero

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Kontak: @pearobot

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Udah ya, nanti malam lagi♡

Forward from: Mundaries
Moots, @chanzgmin khusus hari ini 65k aja yuk! Udah under hb 😞 kindly contact @MundariesBot yaa.

Forward from: Prajurit-Kecil! ufs pinned.
ㅤㅤㅤ 🎀♡ 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡; Want To Sell Usn ♡🎀
up to 2k-8k.
usn mulchar

@menyium bo me-nyium
– 3000 rupiah.
@persajian bo persajian
– 3000 rupiah
@tertawai bo ter-tawai
– 2000 rupiah.
@ditenteng bo ditenteng
– 3000 rupiah
@memalu bo memalu
– 3000 rupiah.
@jakasrta, @jakwrta bo jakarta
– 4000 rupiah, take all 7000 rupiah
@kpinci bo kinci
– 3000 rupiah
@azlpaca, @alpazca bo alpaca
– 5000 rupiah, take all 8.000 rupiah
@teasge bo tease
– 3000 rupiah
@asdorable bo adorable
– 5000 rupiah
@bamndung bo bandung
– 5000 rupiah
@jogjea bo jogja
– 5000 rupiah

♡. Payment only DANA.
♡. @PrajuritKecilBot contact person if you’re interest!
♡. Ada beberapa yang masih bisa nego, kontak ke bot dulu yaa.

Forward from: WINDBLUME
Mau cari mutual baru. Jenis galeri username apa aja, main acc only ya! @soraisobot thank you.

Forward from: Prajurit-Kecil! ufs pinned.
hello! @prajuritkeciil looking for new mutual bunny’s. i prefer the gallery that collect many k-pop username’s. but other than that is still acceptable! if you’re interested, you can contact this bot. ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎🗯

Forward from: ✧ 。⁺ Tιger Peαce ✦ 💌
[ to all my mutuals, help fw yaw🤍]

pew! yang mau mutualan bisa ke @PresleyishBot yaa! help fw kalo aku kelewatan bisa kesitu juga! tysm! btw, mutual only main acc

Semoga cepet balik

Forward from: Jeje's Property
Hai semuanya, boleh tolong help fw?

Buat yang merasa keep username @irenek, boleh tolong balikin ke saya? Usnnya saya lepas sekitar jam 12.59 karena mau dipake pu tapi gabisa di tf own karena akunku kepenuhan. Tapi pas di cek lagi, jam 13.21 uda ada yang keep usernamenya. Buat yang keep usernamenya, boleh tolong balikin ke @ordppl? Saya ada proofnya juga kalo username itu memang punya saya, terima kasih banyak buat orang yang udah bantu forward message ke channel.

Forward from: Aset Rangga. (hfw pinned)
Looking forra mutual, let's be mutual (accept main acc only). Drop ur username + gallery username to @JenoHugRoBot.

Halo! saya lagi cari mutualan galeri username sebanyak-banyaknya, yang mau mutualan ayo send id ch mu ke @pearobot

[ Help fw moots, thanks you! ]

Beres, yang belum ke fw bilang ke bot ya

Forward from: Key gallery. UFS PINNED
[ moots, boleh bantu fw pesan ini ke channel mu? sebelum nya, makasih banyak! ]


@BUCAS ; 65K
♡ based on Lucas Nct/Wayv.
@GiSELLK ; 75K
♡ based on Giselle Aespa.

🍞. all nett, ga bisa di nego lagi.
🍞. payment avail dana & qris (+1k)
🍞. no hit and run! jd gjdi kabarin bs??!!
💥 contact @keyfararobot or @ihugnoren if you interested! ♡♡

Forward from: APPEPIYS !
( help fw moots, tysm

Forward from: ✧ 。⁺ Tιger Peαce ✦ 💌
[ to all my mutuals, help fw yaw🤍]

pew! yang mau mutualan bisa ke @PresleyishBot yaa! help fw kalo aku kelewatan bisa kesitu juga! tysm! btw, mutual only main acc

Forward from: ☆―☆
up for sale:
@khaeuL bo khael
@gibseLLe bo giselle
@chaeyoungw bo chaeyoung
@xheejin bo heejin
@harutow bo haruto
@eFluffy bo fluffy
@fRabbit bo rabbit

up for trade:

⌗ tnc: https://t.me/aarchief/5
⌗ cp: @aarchiefbot

Forward from: LAYOR [ALL USN UFS]
halo @layoring sedang mencari mutualan berkenan menjadi salah satu mutualann ? let's start bot @butlayorobot
Menerima semua macem mutualan thank you!

Forward from: — 𝐑𝐲u𝐰𝐤a
[ moots help fw pwwis tq! ♥️ ]

Haloo, @Ratisna looking for new mutuals, main acc only yaa, contact @Ratisnarobot.♡

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