Due to @telegram's new policy and privacy, I'm not the real Park Jisung from NCT. This account is only for roleplaying purposes and didn't has any connection with Park Jisung also SM Entertainment.
All activities on this channel have nothing to do with the idol and all the media here comes from the Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Google, and other social media platforms.
This channel probably contains rl things, harshwords, broken english etc but I might not put any CW/TW. So if you're grammar police, racist and feel uncomfortable with my channel, feel free to leave this channel but don't forget to remove @Jgisung from your channel. Thank you so much.
Due to @telegram's new policy and privacy, I'm not the real Park Jisung from NCT. This account is only for roleplaying purposes and didn't has any connection with Park Jisung also SM Entertainment.
All activities on this channel have nothing to do with the idol and all the media here comes from the Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Google, and other social media platforms.
This channel probably contains rl things, harshwords, broken english etc but I might not put any CW/TW. So if you're grammar police, racist and feel uncomfortable with my channel, feel free to leave this channel but don't forget to remove @Jgisung from your channel. Thank you so much.