Correct Answer - B Ans:B. Dead space Dead space An area with ventilation but no perfusion. V/Q undefined, though approaching infinity. Interpretations of V/Q ratio values: Value is 0.8 ⁃ Ventilation-Perfusion matching * If V/Q is > 0.8- ⁃ This means more ventilation than perfusion * If VIQ is < 0.8 ⁃ VIQ mismatch Ref: Arvind Arora review book of physiology (p. 240 ⁃ 241)
Correct Answer - B Ans:B. Dead space Dead space An area with ventilation but no perfusion. V/Q undefined, though approaching infinity. Interpretations of V/Q ratio values: Value is 0.8 ⁃ Ventilation-Perfusion matching * If V/Q is > 0.8- ⁃ This means more ventilation than perfusion * If VIQ is < 0.8 ⁃ VIQ mismatch Ref: Arvind Arora review book of physiology (p. 240 ⁃ 241)