One : ##O1. Due to @Telegram's policy. This channel just for Roleplayer. And i took all photos, videos, or etc related to Na Jaemin from media such as Pinterest, Google, Instagram, etc.
Two : ##O2. If you're a homophobic, minor, hate what i like, ngabers / hyungers, feel free to unsubs or leave this channel. And this channel lots of harshword. But before that you must permission to the bot @JamesNa_bot
Three : ##O3. Big warning for plagiarisme. I tell you once again, this is not a help channel. All in this channel is original made by me. So don't copy anything from here.
One : ##O1. Due to @Telegram's policy. This channel just for Roleplayer. And i took all photos, videos, or etc related to Na Jaemin from media such as Pinterest, Google, Instagram, etc.
Two : ##O2. If you're a homophobic, minor, hate what i like, ngabers / hyungers, feel free to unsubs or leave this channel. And this channel lots of harshword. But before that you must permission to the bot @JamesNa_bot
Three : ##O3. Big warning for plagiarisme. I tell you once again, this is not a help channel. All in this channel is original made by me. So don't copy anything from here.