Let's do some math 1 voucher = 8,888 PAWS
Right now, vouchers on
Magic Eden are trading at 0.085 SOL.
At this voucher price, the USDT/PAWS rate comes out to around ~$0.0016.
Total vouchers: 261.8k
Tokens in vouchers: 1,926,918,400
At ~$0.0016 per token, that’s roughly $3,083,070 worth of tokens in vouchers.
I’ve seen info suggesting the total supply is 50,000,000,000. I couldn’t verify this (there’s nothing in the project’s Twitter), but if that’s true, a market cap of $80,000,000 would be needed to sustain a $0.0016 rate.
Not sure they’ll hit that market cap at listing. Recent listings haven’t shown even half of that. Though, hey, anything’s possible—especially on Solana. Let’s see how it plays out. What do you think? What market cap are you expecting?