Question: #76
بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم
السائل يسأل نسمع الكثير من الكلام والمقاطعة والعداوة والحسد الغيرة بين أهل السنة السلفيين ، ما نصيحتكم لمن يتخطى حدود العلم أنه ليس من مسائل العقيدة بل أحياناً يكون من شؤون الدنيا وخلافات. ؟.
The questioner is asking we hear a lot of discording and boycotting, and enmity , envy jealousy between ahlu-sunnah salafiyeen, what is your advice to those who go beyond the limits knowing that is not aqeedah issues rather at times they are worldly affairs and disagreements!
Ash-shaykh Abee Hudayfah
Abdull-Ghani Al- Omeri (حفظ الله)
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
Unfortunately, the resentment present between the Salafis is due to little knowledge and incomplete understanding of certain matters and how to deal with these differences between one another.
Specifically within the folds of the Salafi dawah
My advice to my brothers is to follow the way of the Salaf.
During the time of Shaykh Albani, Ibn Baz , Ibn Utaymeen, and Shaykh Muqbil, they had difference of opinions in certain matters that entered upon the Salafi Dawah
But we did not hear from them
Swearing, name calling, cursing, calling one another-people of innovation, or calling one another-people of immorality( sinful)
May Allah have mercy on them
Translated by:
Abu Nu’man Bashir Ahmed
بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم
السائل يسأل نسمع الكثير من الكلام والمقاطعة والعداوة والحسد الغيرة بين أهل السنة السلفيين ، ما نصيحتكم لمن يتخطى حدود العلم أنه ليس من مسائل العقيدة بل أحياناً يكون من شؤون الدنيا وخلافات. ؟.
The questioner is asking we hear a lot of discording and boycotting, and enmity , envy jealousy between ahlu-sunnah salafiyeen, what is your advice to those who go beyond the limits knowing that is not aqeedah issues rather at times they are worldly affairs and disagreements!
Ash-shaykh Abee Hudayfah
Abdull-Ghani Al- Omeri (حفظ الله)
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
Unfortunately, the resentment present between the Salafis is due to little knowledge and incomplete understanding of certain matters and how to deal with these differences between one another.
Specifically within the folds of the Salafi dawah
My advice to my brothers is to follow the way of the Salaf.
During the time of Shaykh Albani, Ibn Baz , Ibn Utaymeen, and Shaykh Muqbil, they had difference of opinions in certain matters that entered upon the Salafi Dawah
But we did not hear from them
Swearing, name calling, cursing, calling one another-people of innovation, or calling one another-people of immorality( sinful)
May Allah have mercy on them
Translated by:
Abu Nu’man Bashir Ahmed