Resist Marxism

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Resist Marxism was founded by Kyle Chapman, AKA Based Stickman. Our mission is to raise awareness to the dangers of Marxism and physically stand against this satanic ideology wherever it exists. Compromise is not an option. Live free or die.

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Forward from: Faith
Less than half of US children under 15 are white, census shows.

Writer treats this “phenomenon” as though it were some sort of mysterious, organic, inevitable outcome for America as opposed to what it actually is: Entirely undemocratic and by design.

Forward from: Minerva Freedom
I put my dank meme on a shirt. 👌🏼 You should really click the link provided and buy one. 🙏🏼💯 America will thank you. 🇺🇸

Forward from: Alternative news
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Trump trolls press, ‘orders’ Putin not to meddle in US elections

Published: 15:00, 28 Jun 2019

Trump jokingly told his Russian counterpart 'don't meddle in the election' during a bilateral meeting at the G20 Summit in Osaka

This is one of the many reasons I love Trump 🤙🏻 These empty suits don’t stand a chance

Forward from: Based Stickman

Forward from: Based Stickman
Heads up. I’ve been notified someone has cloned my account and is dropping N-bombs in chats all over Telegram. That’s not my style. Most likely haters trying to make me look bad.

• Dalai Lama claims 'Europe is for Europeans' and migrants should be sent back
• The Buddhist warned Europe could be 'Muslim or African' if they are not returned
• Spiritual leader said continent should help refugees get skills before going back
• He also expressed his admiration for the EU for helping to stop global conflicts

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Communism IS satanism.
Communism Is Satanic by Nature
#Communism has caused more than 100 million unnatural deaths in the last century, and has pushed programs of economic slavery, cultural destruction, and forc...

Forward from: Nomoremosques?
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Netherlands: Immigrant brutally attacks white female then drags her away to rape her.

It takes a long time for a super tanker to change course. Similarly, demographic changes are not visible until after at least 15 to 30 years. Accepting 1.3 million foreigners within two years and adding 200 thousand non-European migrants annually to the rapidly shrinking German population will already have had a devastating effect on the German population by 2030.

This is the sign of a true leader. Thank you President Trump for not bowing to neocon war mongers.

The OMPC has accused Porter of moral unfitness, gross negligence and gross incompetence among other charges. He is accused of showing “human subjects an actual video of the horrific and brutal murders and dismemberment of four women by machetes; and violent film clips, including a male African American being viciously stomped by a Nazi; a conscious male being forced to eat a portion of his own brain matter; and a graphic gang rape.” #NXIVM

How many more Americans will be led to slaughter to advance agendas of the military industrial complex, Neo-Cons and globalists? All these wars were planned in advance. #wakeupamerica
General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years
Originally published in March 2007 General Wesley Clark: Because I had been through the Pentagon right after 9/11. About ten days after 9/11, I went through ...

Within the next 30 years AI, automation and robots will put 30% of America’s work force out of work. What happens to the Americans that are out of work? Will they learn to code? Not likely. What’s more likely is America will turn into a massive welfare state.

Raise your hand if you do not support war with Iran ✋🏻

Abolish the Fed and repudiate the debt. That’s the only way to deal with corrupt globalists banksters. #endthefed

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