Petales De ℛoses

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HEMLOOO !! For stray kidz Rp-Ers can you read this message ? I want you to drop your name and username in here 💟. Thank you so muchh !

Hello ! I want announce you all because this day is a wonderful day ! Whyy ? Because this 💟 ! YESHHH , THIS DAY IS RED VELVET COMEBACK 🤩 . Happy comeback for Red Velvet and of course Red Velvet Rp-Ers !! Please listen to the music and keep up streaming !!

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kalau sempet ...

anww , buat yang minta whisper message tapi belum sempet lihat nanti aku kirim ss nya aja yaa :D

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soo buat yang minta whisper message mending di ss deh , trus dipajang di rumah .jk

aku bakal tetep taruh board dan lain lain nya disini sampai jam 4 baru ku masukin archive yaaa

untung aku gak php yaa ☺️☺️

dari jam 11 sampai jam 3


🔒 A whisper message to hhyunjinnnn, Only he/she can open it.

first impression nya GANTENG BANGET NIH RP HYUNJINNN !! kayaknya friendly and kind juga nihhh. Dan juga kayaknya jamet sichhh 😍😍

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