Russian Embassy in Sri Lanka

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Official account of the Russian Embassy in Sri Lanka and to the Maldives/Официальный новостной канал Посольства Российской Федерации в Шри-Ланке и в Мальдивской Республике

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⚡️ In the evening of September 27, the Israeli Air Force delivered a series of heavy air bomb strikes against a densely populated district in the south of Beirut.

According to the IDF, it targeted Hezbollah’s main operational headquarters. On the same day, the Israeli Air Force carried out a massive bombing of the Lebanon capital’s southern neighbourhoods under the pretext that weapons depots were located there. The result was a complete destruction of residential buildings, which were literally levelled to the ground. Dozens of civilians were wounded. The exact death toll has yet to be established. Debris removal is currently in progress.

In the morning of September 28, the Israeli military command officially announced that the Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah had been killed as a result of the operation. The organisation itself confirmed the death of the leader who had been heading it for over 30 years.

❌ This is yet another political assassination committed by Israel, and Russia condemns it with great resolve.

This forceful action has the potential to entail even more dramatic consequences for Lebanon and the Middle East in general.

Israel was definitely aware of this danger. Nevertheless, it took this step and started killing Lebanese citizens, which will almost inevitably provoke a new outburst of violence.

Therefore, it bears full responsibility for the ensuing escalation.

❗️Once again, we are insistently calling on Israel to stop the hostilities immediately. This would make it possible to cease the bloodshed and create conditions for a political and diplomatic settlement. In the current explosive situation, responsible members of the international community must do everything in their power to prevent the region from plunging into a full-scale armed confrontation.

Forward from: Russian MFA 🇷🇺

🇷🇺🇱🇧 On September 27, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants of Lebanon Abdallah Bou Habib on the sidelines of the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

During the conversation the Ministers exchanged views on the unfolding military and political situation in the Middle East with an emphasis on the tragic events in Lebanon in the context of intensified bombings by the Israeli Air Force.

▪️ Sergey Lavrov expressed his condolences over civilian deaths in Lebanon and stressed the unacceptability of further escalation of the armed confrontation and its expansion on a regional scale.

He has confirmed Russia’s unwavering position in support of the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the Republic of Lebanon. He stressed the need for the Lebanese themselves to promptly find consensus solutions to the issues on the national agenda, without any external interference.

The Ministers also discussed pressing issues of traditionally friendly Russian-Lebanese ties and confirmed their shared desire to continue close coordination at the UN and other multilateral platforms, and to expand mutually beneficial cooperation in trade, economic, humanitarian and other areas.


⁉️How long will last this endless Western hypocrisy?

❗️Key takeaways from the Russian Foreign Ministry’s statement about a meeting between Sergey Lavrov and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres:

▪️ Lavrov urged Guterres to prevent his organization from becoming embroiled into "politicized pseudo-peaceful initiatives" on Ukraine;

▪️ Lavrov once again emphasized the importance of the UN administration and staff's steadfast compliance with the principle of impartiality regard to crimes committed by the Kiev regime.

▪️ The UN secretary-general need to invoke the arbitration procedure against the United States over Washington’s violations of the Headquarters Agreement with the UN

Forward from: Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🗓 On September 26, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov took part in a working meeting of the #CSTO Foreign Ministers organised by Kazakhstan’s CSTO chairmanship on the sidelines of the high-level week of the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly.

🤝 The Ministers discussed a wide range of international and regional security issues. They stressed the need to step up coordination of actions on topical issues on the UN’s agenda between the CSTO member states on the UN platform and further promote cooperation between the CSTO and the UN.

The Ministers discussed preparations for the next session of the CSTO Collective Security Council on November 28 in Astana.


Forward from: TASS Russian news agency
❗️Key takeaways from statements by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the plenary session of the Russian Energy Week forum:

▪️The West tries to use illegal sanctions for its own benefit in the energy sector

▪️The West does not want competition because it is losing in a fair contest

▪️Europe and North America are losing their positions in the global economy

▪️The West uses the pretexts of ostensible Euro-Atlantic solidarity and a campaign for human rights

▪️The share of the ruble in Russia’s foreign trade settlements is approaching 40%

▪️BRICS countries are forming an effective, interference-free development platform, including in the energy area

▪️Friendly countries account for over 90% of Russia’s energy exports

▪️Russia is overcoming difficulties with export payments

▪️Russia’s energy plans will be implemented despite external attempts to prevent this

▪️Russia intends to help other countries develop their fuel and energy sectors, not merely sell energy resources

▪️Putin announces work on an independent “payment and settlement circuit” within BRICS to service all foreign trade

▪️Russia has one of the world’s greenest energy balances

▪️The West uses the climate agenda for its neocolonial interests

▪️Russia continues to play a key role in the energy market despite major challenges

▪️Putin demanded an updated energy strategy focused on long-term development to be ready within months

▪️Russia is fulfilling its obligations to supply energy resources to the global market and plays a stabilizing role

▪️One of the new national projects aims to consolidate Russia’s global leadership in the nuclear sector

▪️Russia will continue cooperation with OPEC+ and GECF partners

📈What is the Eurasian Economic Union in some figures?

🔸3,2% of the world GDP
🔸2,2% of the world industrial production
🔸2,7% of the world export

🔹14,5% of the world oil production
🔹20,3% of the world gas production

More information in the infographics below and on the #EAEU website

Forward from: Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⚡️ Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview for a documentary titled "The UN from the 20th to the 21st Century" (Moscow, September 25, 2024)

Key points:

• Less than a year after the victorious powers established the UN based on the noble principles formulated in its charter, it became clear that the West, acting contrary to these principles, intended to launch a war against the Soviet Union, and not merely a cold war but an all-out war. These plans hatched by the then "Anglo-Saxons" [nations of the Anglosphere led by the US & UK] have long become public knowledge.

• Once NATO was created, the Soviet Union circulated a large document which demonstrated the detrimental effect of that and the danger of building walls between the East and the West, especially in Europe, and called for respecting the #UNCharter and for working towards this. Our call was not heeded.

✊ However, we kept fighting for justice and the implementation of the principle of sovereign equality of nations. Decolonisation was a bright stage and a major embodiment of that principle. The Soviet Union was the main initiator of the 1960 Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Following its adoption, the number of UN states increased by 80-90 members.

• They tell us that the main goal today is to ensure the territorial integrity of Ukraine. It is a misleading interpretation of the UN Charter, where the right of nations to self-determination is put before territorial integrity.

• Even before demanding respect for territorial integrity, the UN Charter demands respect for human rights without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion Now that Zelensky’s Nazi regime, which the West nurtured, has banned both the language and religious rights of a large number of its own population, the West has put away the banners it was waving for decades.

❗️The top priority now is to ensure the achievement of the initial goals and principles of the UN Charter in their entirety and as a whole, rather than selectively or occasionally.

The reform of the UN Security Council is not a one-off event. It’s a process which has been ongoing since the time the United Nations came into being Nevertheless, it relies on principles that must be preserved at all costs. The main principle is that the Security Council reform should be based on a broad-based agreement among states. It does not say “consensus,” but it does state “broad-based agreement among states.”

🌍 🇮🇳🇧🇷 We have invariably supported the legitimate aspirations of India and Brazil to secure permanent seats in the Security Council. However, African aspirations must be met as well. Africa has common collective positions, which we respect. And we would have like that.

• Our position implies providing additional seats for Asia, Africa, and Latin America. We are open to some of these seats being permanent, but we need to achieve general agreement before we can move forward. It is a complicated process. I don’t see any chance for bringing this process to a swift and expedited completion any time soon.

• Since the UN was created, there has never been a time, a region, or a situation that involved the United States in one way or another, where the country would actually respect that principle. Every time, everywhere they acted as a hegemon, or like a "bull in a china shop".

• When they wanted to punish Russia, the West abandoned all the principles which it was feeding to us and which it declared sacred. The same is happening to the principles of the UN Charter. The West is trampling and destroying them without a moment’s hesitation.

➡️ Read in full

#UNGA79 #UNCharterIsOurRules

⚓️ Following the large-scale drills “Ocean-2024”, another round of joint naval exercises of the Russian (Pacific Fleet) and Chinese Navy “Beibu/Interaction - 2024" kicked off in Vladivostok on September 21. They will also include anti-aircraft and anti-submarine weapons.

🇷🇺 🇱🇰 On September 22, Chairman of the Election Commission of Sri Lanka Mr. R.L.A.M.Ratnayake received Russian Ambassador Mr. Levan Dzhagaryan and member of the Russian Election Commission Mr. Evgeny Shevchenko staying in Sri Lanka in a capacity of observer.

🔹 Ambassador congratulated Mr. Ratnayake on the successful conduct of presidential elections and expressed hope that Sri Lanka under the newly elected leader will follow the neutral foreign policy.

🔹Mr. Evgeny Shevchenko commended the visit of the Chairman to Moscow in March this year where Mr. Ratnayake had the opportunity to monitor the preparation for Russian presidential elections.

🤝 The parties exchanged views on further bilateral cooperation between the Election Commissions of two countries. Sri Lankan partners expressed especial interest in introducing on the island the Russian technology of electronic voting.

Discovering Russian diversity 🙌

Here is the Republic of Tyva (one of 89 🇷🇺 federal subjects, i.e. regions) which lies in the very heart of Asia, in southern Siberia, and is the center of Tibetan Buddhism in our country.

Video, photos: Sergey Fadeichev/TASS

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