Forward from: ORCHESTRA RP.
Good morning/afternoon/evening musicians, we are searching for some admins, here's the form if you want to!
Form ;
1. Name and username :
2. What is your opinion about orchestra rp?
3. Why do you want to be a new admin?
4. Will you work anonymously?
5. Do you have any idea for event and else?
6. Can you edit things? like posters and the others?
7. Do you like classical music and into it?
8. What part of the orchestra do you want to be?
Send your form to @ORCHESTRARP_BOT.
Form ;
1. Name and username :
2. What is your opinion about orchestra rp?
3. Why do you want to be a new admin?
4. Will you work anonymously?
5. Do you have any idea for event and else?
6. Can you edit things? like posters and the others?
7. Do you like classical music and into it?
8. What part of the orchestra do you want to be?
Send your form to @ORCHESTRARP_BOT.