Forward from: HFW. 𝙨𝙤𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙨𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙧
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"Chiyori and Disnomia aren't together yet, but they like each other and they are mutuals on twitter/tumblr. Disnomia accidentally publishes a tweet/post about their crush on Chiyori on their main account, when they meant to put it on a private side account. Chiyori is too dense to realize it's obviously about them, but it still worries them enough to ask a rather mortified Disnomia about it."
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Rate setup
10/10 buset keren banget, kaya cyber gitu ya konsepnya? Cute cyber
Cute reminder
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Dari namanya aja udh ketebak dia ni orangnya pasti lucu, terus juga channel dia tuh isinya lucu kuadrat
Hug or kiss
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Random song
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3 emoji
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"Chiyori and Disnomia aren't together yet, but they like each other and they are mutuals on twitter/tumblr. Disnomia accidentally publishes a tweet/post about their crush on Chiyori on their main account, when they meant to put it on a private side account. Chiyori is too dense to realize it's obviously about them, but it still worries them enough to ask a rather mortified Disnomia about it."
[Down below]
E ::
Rate setup
10/10 buset keren banget, kaya cyber gitu ya konsepnya? Cute cyber
Cute reminder
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R ::
Dari namanya aja udh ketebak dia ni orangnya pasti lucu, terus juga channel dia tuh isinya lucu kuadrat
Hug or kiss
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Random song
[Down below]
3 emoji