Telegram, you are just a shame!
This is just one of tons of examples, how many of our channels (but this happens to everyone, not just us) are not visible at all, depending which app you are using or how you search things. We already reported multiple times such issue. This is getting just worse and worse. They prefer to show tons of bullshit porn / illegal / spam channels, instead of legit channels.
As we wrote you previously too, we are very sad that all our usernames are still blocked, that you haven't approved as verified any of our channels.
We are really disappointed how Telegram is just managed by people that simply give a shit to issues and important things, preferring to release an useless Stories feature for the 10 years, instead of fixing and implementing important things that could make Telegram an unique social network.
This is just one of tons of examples, how many of our channels (but this happens to everyone, not just us) are not visible at all, depending which app you are using or how you search things. We already reported multiple times such issue. This is getting just worse and worse. They prefer to show tons of bullshit porn / illegal / spam channels, instead of legit channels.
As we wrote you previously too, we are very sad that all our usernames are still blocked, that you haven't approved as verified any of our channels.
We are really disappointed how Telegram is just managed by people that simply give a shit to issues and important things, preferring to release an useless Stories feature for the 10 years, instead of fixing and implementing important things that could make Telegram an unique social network.