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Map from 1943, showing massacres of the Serb population of the former Yugoslavia, committed by Axis forces, April 1941 - August 1942.

According to the map:
Germans killed 78,000 Serbs
Italians killed 20,000 Serbs
Hungarians killed 30,000 Serbs
Croats killed 600,000 Serbs
Albanians killed 10,000 Serbs
Bulgarians killed 6,000 Serbs

...Nooo! But I thought Serbs wuz based axis allies n shit!

BTW should we continue making infographs or just post sources? Or do both?
  •   continue making infographs
  •   Post just raw sources
  •   Do both (like with Lazo M. Kostić post)
75 votes

I am posting this again because JudeoSerbs started coping (again) and accused us of falsifying sources.
Its just funny to me how the 89iq JudeoSerbian brain cant find the source himself

Ein General im Zwielicht: die Erinnerungen Edmund Glaises von Horstenau, Opseg 3
Page 149


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Happy Victory Day 🇭🇷🇭🇷🇭🇷

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Happy Victory Day 🇭🇷

Forward from: Eternal Serb
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True European antifascists

BTW just read his fan fiction and try not to cringe

Serbian 32th keyboard division in action again this time gartik (@PeePeeWaffen) tried to edit out that Serbs were considered subhuman by the Nazis

Gori SAO Krajina ⚡⚡

Forward from: 🚨 Ultras not reds (censored)
4th August 🇭🇷 Croatian army launch operation Storm (Oluja) to free occupied lands, the blitzkrieg is considered one of the most successful military operations in history.

Many football lads from Dinamo Zagreb and others were involved.


Another day another Serbian lie.
All of these pictures show the shooting of Slovenians by the Italians, except for the last picture, which shows the shooting of Serbian civilians by the Ustasha.

Btw we are still waiting for a source of that letter that allegedly Jure wrote even tho he was one of the most hardcore fighters against Serbian organisation called yugoslav partisans.

"We wuz fighting ZO...-ACK"

Its ironic how Serbs made larger % in partisans then every other ethnicity combined

[72] Hoare, Marko Attila (2011). "The Partisans and the Serbs". In Ramet, Sabrina P.; Listhaug, Ola (eds.). Serbia and the Serbs in World War Two. P 207

[73] Lenard J Cohen, Paul V Warwick (1983) Political Cohesion In A Fragile Mosaic: The Yugoslav Experience p. 64; Avalon Publishing, the University of Michigan; ISBN 0865319677

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Silly Judeo-Serbs...

Internet Serbs like to invent fairy tales that Israel supported Croatia in the Homeland War, and the irony is that Israel was not only neutral, but was so pro-Serbian that even the Mossad financed the Serbs.

Oh, the irony...
Expect best Serbian argument: "muh fake, trust me brother"
Or, more often, when they lose in a debate, they'll try to befriend you and declare "both sides were funded by Jews and no more brother wars"

Igor Primoratz, Israel and Genocide in Croatia
Tom Sawicki "How are Bosnia's Serbs getting Israeli arms?", The Jerusalem Report, January 1995
Richard J Aldrich America used Islamists to arm the Bosnian Muslims The Guardian Monday 22 April 2002
Israeli's Kosovo Remarks Raise Ire April 09, 1999, TRACY WILKINSON, LA Times
Ariel Sharon... by Robert Fisk Friday 6 January 2006, The Independent
Israel government refrains from supporting NATO attacks, By Steve Rodan, Tuesday, March 30, 1999
Russia or Ukraine? For some Israelis, Holocaust memories are key Haaretz, By David Landau, Apr. 15, 2014
Aleksandar Vulin lays wreath at Ariel Sharon's grave Archived 2014-05-21 at the Wayback Machine Published on January 20, 2014, Serbia Times

>Claim to fight against ZOG in 90s
>Israel’s political establishment has taken a pro-Serbian stand
>Both Israeli public and the press itself as Yad Vashem deny crimes that Serbs committed against Croats
>Israel purposely provides weapons to Serbs (allegedly even Mossad)
>Israel refused to support the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia

"It was suggested that Israel's pro-Serbian position may have been a result of Serbs saving Jews during the Holocaust"

Forward from: Silly Serbs (NEW)
Belgrade troll farms turns out its real...

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