it's been 21 years after the birth of this this adorable person into world. Happy birthday to our precious boy, Na Jaemin! Wishing you long life, healthy, happines and always success with your career.
Also happy birthday to all Na Jaemin rp-ers especially, Me, Ian, Joan, Genta, Saska, Jauzan, Revano, Naresh, Jamie, Timmy, Farel, Nathan, Naufal, Adnan, Rafael, Adipta, Jovan, Padji, Abian, Naresh², Aksa, Raja, Jolande, Afhran, Nalengka, Rama, Vegas and all of Na Jaemin rp-ers.
I give the best wishes for them and i hope y’all can use Na Jaemin as your face claim as well. Enjoy your special day guys!