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Hidup segan, mati takut masuk neraka.

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balikin ya, thanks yg udah bantu sebar

Help fw moots!

Halo buat siapapun yang keep @m1arklee boleh tolong di kembaliin? gua tau itu user ga cantik sama sekali, tapi itu penting banget buat gua jadi tolong kembaliin ya? gua ada bukti kalo itu usn gua kok. chat di @mhnhyeongbot atau @dijampe Privasi kalian aman di gua kok. Makasih banyak.

🔒 A whisper message to Otniel., Only he/she can open it.


thankyou for being in my life.

🔒 A whisper message to donklhyuck, Only he/she can open it.

Forward from: GO TO HEAVEN
Happy mensive SliDe.

🔒 A whisper message to #🎸. 𝗛A̸Y⃫ DĒN ¡! メ • isn't mood, Only he/she can open it.

due to @telegram's privacy policy, this channel is just for roleplaying purpose and also this channel doesn't have connection with Mark Lee, NCT and SM Entertainment.

all media from google, twitter, pinterest, instagram and other social media.

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