Once in a extreme lifetime, it's an another shiny day to lived. Most of the creatures seems to be happier than they ever been. Well played, because our enemy, loneliness, doubtness and darkness, suddenly got trapped in the mysterious Oblivion itself. Meanwhile, The Magical Sphere of the Oblivion, serves as a prison for all of the worse criminals than those in the Omega Dimension. Due to their downfall against the shining and warming light once again, has bring so many innocent souls back to where it belongs, between the enormous mount of love by Solaria's guardian angel. Here she is, Stella Illiris, shock-glanced at the beautiful sky with a adoring gaze on the balcony of his palace. Tries to exit the slumbering in her deeply lost thoughts, Amoré, the Pixie of Love, showed her whereabouts to her beloved one and only bonded fairy. "Oh Stella, you should really believe in yourself. I promised you something, don't I?" Believe it or not, I'm still the gracious clueless Illiris.