The BBC having dropped the rabid pusher of BS the V̶D̶.. I mean Victoria Derbyshire Show and replacing it in pretence of being the oddly same length slot called - BBC News
The race card is being pushed and inconvenient issues like a funded group of thugs are being moved around.
This isn't about race IF looters are factually not just the black community
No mention that if 'Black lives matter', exactly what's justifying trashing people's lives by burning churches, businesses and cars?
What what exactly justifys trashing stores and looting?
And to ensure 'her' limited message Is devoid of context to totally ignores inconvenient facts, Derbyshire is bordering on incitement for kids to copy riots here
And this IS what the antiBoris scum in the MSM want to see happening here
The race card is being pushed and inconvenient issues like a funded group of thugs are being moved around.
This isn't about race IF looters are factually not just the black community
No mention that if 'Black lives matter', exactly what's justifying trashing people's lives by burning churches, businesses and cars?
What what exactly justifys trashing stores and looting?
And to ensure 'her' limited message Is devoid of context to totally ignores inconvenient facts, Derbyshire is bordering on incitement for kids to copy riots here
And this IS what the antiBoris scum in the MSM want to see happening here