As often said (like a record on auto repeat) the false narrative and nonsense information from MSM on the non pandemic and Gov't assessment status of flu
This Gov't farse of stages of lifting lockdown,is statistically NO LONGER justifying any continuation or pretence of consern measures, for a lockdown in the first place
I'd go further and say the preambles of having a vaccine before 'return to normality' dead.
The Test, Big Brother T̶r̶a̶p̶ Trace and Trace app isn't going to accepted. And no amount Moral platitudes and Social Responsibility speeches is going to change this
The idea of demanding anyone to self isolate because of a test claims a presence of the Coronavirus, without evidence of context. Is an idea that should stop before started.
Because if some abstract logic, demands a whole area be closed. This isn't going to sit well.
Enforcing by lying, endless excuses to extend lockdown has been exposed as Gov't having an agenda and MSM controlling the narrative.
It is because investigative reporters and those who understand the significance of the facts around Covid-19. The truth is reaching the wider public
So, let's not pretend differently and continue to roll over to a lie and demand we get back to work and rebuild our lives and livelihoods
This Gov't farse of stages of lifting lockdown,is statistically NO LONGER justifying any continuation or pretence of consern measures, for a lockdown in the first place
I'd go further and say the preambles of having a vaccine before 'return to normality' dead.
The Test, Big Brother T̶r̶a̶p̶ Trace and Trace app isn't going to accepted. And no amount Moral platitudes and Social Responsibility speeches is going to change this
The idea of demanding anyone to self isolate because of a test claims a presence of the Coronavirus, without evidence of context. Is an idea that should stop before started.
Because if some abstract logic, demands a whole area be closed. This isn't going to sit well.
Enforcing by lying, endless excuses to extend lockdown has been exposed as Gov't having an agenda and MSM controlling the narrative.
It is because investigative reporters and those who understand the significance of the facts around Covid-19. The truth is reaching the wider public
So, let's not pretend differently and continue to roll over to a lie and demand we get back to work and rebuild our lives and livelihoods