✝️ 35,000 people attended the Day of the Vow festival at the Voortrekker Monument on Monday. Attendees eagerly awaited the clock striking 12 to see the sun light up the cenotaph at the center of the monument, which bears the inscription 'Ons vir jou Suid-Afrika' (We for thee, South Africa) — a line from the old South African anthem Die Stem.
Dr. Danie Langner, director of the monument, noted a remarkable increase in attendance by young people: “The future of our heritage is dependent on our children. The youth is our greatest investment.”
223 festivals were held across the globe to commemorate the day.
Dr. Danie Langner, director of the monument, noted a remarkable increase in attendance by young people: “The future of our heritage is dependent on our children. The youth is our greatest investment.”
223 festivals were held across the globe to commemorate the day.