Hello! Steltzer has a new catalog!
#Zer IDR 6.000 (replace muse +1.000)
Honored guardian of this world. I, bearing the name (name & username), approach with the intent to obtain (link) as detailed in your catalogue. My offer must match the amount in it, facilitated via the (E-Wallet) method. I don't/want to replace (). Hope this form gets your esteemed approval. Hopefully my presence here is just a gentle breeze, not disturbing the peace of mind. I eagerly await your friendly response.
Send to @Stletzerbot
#Zer IDR 6.000 (replace muse +1.000)
Honored guardian of this world. I, bearing the name (name & username), approach with the intent to obtain (link) as detailed in your catalogue. My offer must match the amount in it, facilitated via the (E-Wallet) method. I don't/want to replace (). Hope this form gets your esteemed approval. Hopefully my presence here is just a gentle breeze, not disturbing the peace of mind. I eagerly await your friendly response.
Send to @Stletzerbot