due to @.telegram 's new policy. i declared, that the owner of this channel and all the connections is not affiliated with the real ππΆπΊ π πΆπ»π·π or anyone else involved. This channel is purely for π ‘οΈπ οΈπ οΈπ οΈπ οΈπ οΈπ οΈπ ¨οΈπ οΈπ ‘οΈ purposes only.
due to @.telegram 's new policy. i declared, that the owner of this channel and all the connections is not affiliated with the real ππΆπΊ π πΆπ»π·π or anyone else involved. This channel is purely for π ‘οΈπ οΈπ οΈπ οΈπ οΈπ οΈπ οΈπ ¨οΈπ οΈπ ‘οΈ purposes only.