AWEe, wHoo is he? Ladies and Gentleman nct dream-eu loveeey dovey boy! rAAaWr, dis is your Baby-JUNJUN! nct talented baby who can makes chUu
die with his cutEeness! 💟 Coz he was an FeLiCity. 💗___💗 Psst, hey did you know
"Who is the most cute otter in the world???!!" Ah, lemme help chUu with that, YESSS! That's #renjunn! /// 23 March, Chinese Gang with bright and atTrACtive smile! Yeppie-nct All-Rounder BoY,
Huang Renjun.
🐈💭 Purrr—NyAaa! RANKIEL HIROTO?! Cute has four letters, aight??!!! so doeees K-I-E-L! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ as #KITTENSAY "周りにいるだけで幸せになれる並外れた少年!