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I like to explore alternative sources of information, and learn about the ethnic spirituality, traditions and heritage of cultures & tribes from before the rise of monotheism & materialistic scientism... Our genuine history is full of magic and wonder.

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I haven’t done thorough research on this topic, but a lot of people in Russia are talking about this. Apparently there are various forms of evidence indicating that there was Slav-Aryan Vedic culture in ancient Russia. Authentic Russian/Slavic language has many parallels with old Hindu Vedic language. Hindu people claim this is because Hindu Vedic culture was brought to ancient Russia by their ancestors. Slavic people reject this, and say it was the opposite way... I still cannot say for certain exactly where Vedic culture and the caste system originated from, but there is definitely a kinship between ancient Slavic & Hindu Vedic cultures.

Some researchers pointed out the parallels between ancient Hindu Vedic culture and Celtic culture. Allegedly, the Hindu Vedic Brahmins, Celtic Druids, and Slavic Volkhvs are very similar... Its possible that ancient Hindu people, and ancient European races got their initial culture from the same source that is traced to deep antiquity. There’s evidence to suggest that this ancient source was located somewhere in the arctic area. People say Rig Veda was composed in the Arctic, and that Indian Vedas is only a part of Slav-Aryan Vedas, transferred by arias about 5.000 years ago to India.

Prince Vladimir was named a saint by the Orthodox Church after he helped to establish christianity in pagan Slavic Russia. He went about it in a very Christian manner by killing his brother to gain power. Then he killed prince Rogvold, and his sons. So-called Saint Vladimir raped Rogvold’s daughter Rogneda, forcefully took her to wife. She bore him six children. Afterwards, Vladimir sent Rogneda away to a monastery and turned her into a nun, just so he could marry a Byzantium princess. Vladimir established Christianity in Russia, and after all of these heroic deeds the church named him a saint. All of the righteous rulers, descendants of hyperborean kings, the ones who belonged to the old world were exterminated one by one. The members of older dynasties who fled to other parts of the world in order to save their bloodline, were located, hunted down and exterminated.

The architects of universe designed this planet to provide its species with everything they need to live good. Before the coming of monotheism, materialistic science and urbanization/industrialization, humans lived in harmony with earth’s cycles, and systems. There was no government systems, economy and banking systems. People only took from nature that which they needed daily, and nothing more. People used to not only take from nature, but also give back. Today everything is different.

Our civilization is driven by greed, and humans have turned into parasites who are all competing, and stepping over one another just to take another step, and climb up the hierarchy. Our civilization exploits & abuses Mother Earth, and everyone is trying to grab more resources, land, mineral, pure water sources, trees, and other parts of earth that they can own, or sell for profit. Humans have become superficial, shallow creature. We measure our life’s success in how much money we’ve accumulated in our banks, or how many material possessions we own....

Everything modern humans consume and use is artificial, lab-crafted, and doesn’t come from untamed wild nature. This results in our collective human garbage/waste also being very artificial, unnatural, and very difficult, if not impossible for earth to naturally process and absorb. The issues relating to pollution of modern garbage land-field needs to be seriously researched. Another big damage comes from factory farming, and industrial agriculture. This is one of the biggest contributors to environmental problems and human health problems, because keeping and raising animals this way is very unnatural, cruel, and extremely toxic to environment & life on earth. Small size independent family farms is a much better option.

Usually when I bring up this topic, people ask me if I am proposing going back to the dark ages and living primitively. It’s not necessary to get rid of science and technology, because science and technology is not the problem here. The problem is the kind of science and technology we have. Our modern technology is just one possibility, and from what I can tell it’s not a very good one. There are some clear benefits we receive from technology, but no one wants to talk about the severe harm that comes from it. I’m not a scientist, nor do I possess knowledge of technology, but I am assuming that it’s possible to create different kind of technology, the one that would be in harmony with nature. Technology that mimics nature and the natural processes & cycles that naturally occur in organic environment. It’s possible to work with that which is already in existence, and trying to tune-in with earth’s hidden laws of nature, systems & cycles. So that the man-made and the natural can blend smoothly.

Current technology is based on materialistic science, and materialistic science produces intellectual giants, but it completely lacks compassion, empathy, respect for life, sense of responsibility for future generations of life. It’s all left brain robotic, without feeling and emotion, without care. Every child in school is taught that our universe is a dead random machine, it’s purposeless and mechanical. Science teachers that our earth is some dead rock. Our ancestors understood that the earth is a living organism that is conscious and intelligent. They did not divide spirit and matter like we do today with religion and science. Our ancestors knew that all material things are sacred, and everything possesses spirit. They were guided by nature, because they trusted nature’s laboratory and tried to learn from her. Materialistic science tries to bend nature to its will. Nature is our mother, so how can children control their mother?

This is another example of a mutualistic symbiotic relationship between plant-life & humans/animals that naturally occurs in nature. Academic sources taught us that life is survival of the fittest, competition, rat race, but I don’t believe this is the case. There is evidence showing that naturally, plants and animals/humans are supposed to live together and benefit from each other. Most people are already aware of how trees/plants & animals/humans complement one another by exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide. I want to share another example of this, and it has to do with reflecting & absorbing the color green. Color green is the a color that isn’t good for plants, and best color for humans...

Green light is the least effective for plants because they are themselves green due to the pigment Chlorophyll. Different color light helps plants achieve different goals as well. All photosynthesizing plants have chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is found in the chloroplasts of plants. This molecule absorbs most of the energy from the violet-blue and reddish-orange part of the light spectrum. It does not absorb green, so that's reflected back to our eyes and we see the leaf as green. Leaves appear green because they reflect green, while absorbing all other colors of light

So we know that plants don’t absorb color green, but reflect it. We know that the color green is the least effective color for plants, but green is the most beneficial color for humans. So we see that one species is getting rid of something that is very useful and beneficial for another species. The human eye can see green better than any other color. Green color is known for its balanced healing properties. It is a restful color that symbolizes growth and renewal. It also encourages comfort and equilibrium and is particularly beneficial for the heart, lungs and circulatory system.

During one of his presentations, dr Leonid Sharashkin said that in organic nature there is no such thing as garbage/waste, because each species is designed to use or consume the waste product of another species. So that which is trash/waste to one species, is yummy food/sustenance, or building material for another species.

Unfortunately we modern humans are almost completely disconnected from this complex organic ecosystem of earth. Older pagan ethnic cultures taught their people how to commune with the world of nature, and each tribe was linked to their local ecosystem, climate, and environment not only physically, but also psychologically, emotionally, spiritually. Our ancestors didn’t see wild nature as being separate from them. One of the things that was common among all cultures during the pagan era, people of all ethnic groups were in-tuned with their local organic environment & ecosystem, they all followed nature-based spirituality, venerated their ancestors, and had a strong sense of responsibility for their future generations.

Modern humans are detached from their local land, disconnected from their local organic ecosystem, and climate. Every aspect of modern human existence is disconnected from organic flow of life on earth

I would not say that a true lady is nonexistent. She is a dying breed, much like the gentleman, but she still exists

Beautiful sound

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