It just hit me...
The problem is corruption with no remedy. You see, in the time of the founders, honor respect and integrity were the norm. So much so, that a man could challenge another man to a duel based upon his words alone. In fact there was a time when it was legally obligated. If a man presented himself or represented himself as something, or said something and made a promise, the societal norm was - that man could be counted on to fulfill the promises and postitions he claimed he would advance. At that time, the only question left was how good a job he would do. If he didn't do a good job, there were consequences. But if he misrepresented himself, there were severe societal and legal consequences (for fraud). People survived by reputation and the strength of their word. In short, there was accountability for fraud.
Fast forward to today, and the problem we face, as we stare over the precipice of potential failure, is this:
there is no accountability for fraud today.
A person can say one thing and do another, whether it is a civil or criminal infraction, and things are so corrupt, we can't even count on legal authorities to do the right thing, let alone leaders. And when I say leaders I'm talking about roles like executives, administrators, attorneys general, secretaries of state, judges, corporate officers, heads of churches, and yes - elected representatives (aka politicians) etc. By not being able to rely on people in these positions to do what they are supposed to do, or said they would do, our Republic is literally crumbling before our eyes, and the cumulative effect of mass corruption is accelerating it. The biggest problem - there is no recourse nor will to act, even where fraud is even blatant. There is no mechanism by which a person who mis-represents themselves, can be re-dressed. Well, there is in the private sector at least - they can be fired. In the public sector however there is no "effective" option. They can be recalled, but in California recently, you witnessed what happens when a good candidate challenges a tyrant in a rigged system - they don't win. "Better luck next time" they say. And we just keep pulling the lever on the slot machine, filled with "hope."
So, the problem is, we have no remedy or accountability to address corruption, and where it may exist, there is no will to address it, and only more corruption. Example: right now in Arizona, September 26, 2021, the future course of our nation may depend on ONE Attorney General's will to act on evidence presented just two days ago. We will see what happens. "Hope."
What is the answer then, the remedy? How can we have an assurance a person will choose to do the right thing? It hasn't changed, the world has just rejected it, or rather Him. It is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the remedy for corruption. Faith in and commitment to, our Lord and savior, has "saving power". Note the second part - even demons believe in Jesus. Faith is just the start. In Him is the power to save souls yes. But by virtue of individual salvation, relationships can be restored and preserved - both individual and corporate. Not always though. Division is an option. But through the faith and commitment of individuals, restoration and preservation of marriages and thus households is possible. Not guaranteed, possible. When faith in and commitment to Jesus prevails by many people, and people in the leadership roles I listed earlier, it is also possible that organizations, communities, cities, regions, states and yes nations may flourish. It is possible, but not guaranteed. What is guaranteed is that without Jesus, righteousness will not prevail. And woe to you who seek and advance unrighteousness.
Mark 3:25
And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
That's all for now. God bless in Jesus' name, amen.
-John Melendez