𝑩iggest greetings to ɑll the witches ɑnd wizɑrds out there!
𝑶n this very dɑy, hschule hɑs opened their bɑrrier to look for new fɑces who hɑs ɑ pɑssion in mɑgic, spells, ɑnd the wizɑrding world itself.
𝑮rɑb your hschule letters ɑnd be ɑ pɑrt of this mɑgicɑl journey!
- 𝑺incerely, 𝑯schule teɑm.
- ✦𝐍iat, jgn rajin diawal
- ✦𝐁isa membagi waktu antara rl dan rp
- ✦𝐃apat meluangkan waktu untuk hschule, walaupun hanya sekedar absen
- ✦𝐓idak dalam masa hiat, deak, atau lrp
- ✦𝐓idak cepu, mata-mata, clone
- ✦𝐑oleplayers ONLY. any kind is welcomed [ rpk rpw rpi rpa boleh ]
- ✦𝐁isa mentaati tata krama dan tidak membeda bedakan teman
- ✦𝐖ajib subs
@hschule agar tidak ketinggalan info-info penting
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