🇺🇸J6 ALERT🇺🇸 1-1-2022. 🇺🇸JEFF MCKELLOP🇺🇸. update. we have had a pandemic in our cell block. 15, including my self. have had some sort of virus I can't tell if its the Influenza or COVID. I was jacked up for a few, finally got a COVID test, I've been demanding, a COVID Test, VA rep, TRICARE REP, Delta Dental REP for almost a year. this establishment is Hiding every thing that is happening, They took my LapTop last week, I told my attorney, they never brought it back. on and on with the Racial bull shit, this place keeps going. we all have been in lock down, 23\1 for almost 12 days. Just goes on and on. more later. https://givesendgo.com/G2939 https://t.me/TheAmericanGulagChronicles