Sarah Corriher

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The Crusader Gal -- Conservative political commentator and YouTuber.

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Biden Gets Assaulty on Gun Owners

Joe Biden is already instructing Congress to erode gun rights and prevent Americans from defending themselves. This time, even pistol ownership is included in the upcoming infringements, so they are going for total disarmament. Unsurprisingly, Biden's plan is identical to the wish list of his supposed Vice President, Kamala Harris.
Biden Gets Assaulty on Gun Owners
Joe Biden is already instructing Congress to erode gun rights and prevent Americans from defending themselves. This time, even pistol ownership is included in the upcoming infringements, so they are g...

SpaceX Targeted for Hiring Americans

The Department of Justice is harassing Elon Musk's company, SpaceX, for hiring only American citizens. Neither patriotism nor citizenship should be a crime.
SpaceX Targeted for Hiring Americans
The Department of Justice is harassing Elon Musk's company, SpaceX, for hiring only American citizens. Neither patriotism nor citizenship should not be a crime. Get reliable notification options and ...

Then They Came for Matt Christiansen

The latest company to embrace wokeness and starve conservatives is Streamlabs, a company which produces livestream software. Streamlabs has targeted Matt Christiansen, among others, presumably for "hate speech", while pushing its more 'progressive' brand of racism against whites.
Then They Came for Matt Christiansen
The latest company to embrace wokeness and starve conservatives is Streamlabs, a company which produces livestream software. Streamlabs has targeted Matt Christiansen, among others, presumably for "ha...

I've reached the point where I basically want corporate America to burn. The stock market's performance does not reflect the struggle of small businesses. It's those mega corps that got rich while the rest of us became poor during lockdowns, and who virtue signal in every mask-wearing, white-hating, gay couple commercial.

Forward from: Paul Joseph Watson
It took just over one month of a Joe Biden presidency for the US to turn back on the war machine and start raining missiles on Syria again.

To the people who would like to join the chat group, you're welcome to do so here:

Denise McAllister Depersoned By Conservative Inc

Cancel culture is widely condemned by conservatives, but some of the biggest names in the conservative movement collaborated together to disappear Denise McAllister after she criticized homosexuals - the 'protected group' of the conservative establishment. The supposed 'leaders' of the conservative movement don't actually care about conservative values in the least. McAllister blows the whistle on the fact that people like Ben Shapiro (Daily Wire), Ben Dominich (The Federalist), and even Fox News aren't what we think they are.
Denise McAllister Depersoned By Conservative Inc
Cancel culture is widely condemned by conservatives, but some of the biggest names in the conservative movement collaborated together to disappear Denise McAllister after she was criticized homosexual...

Gay Mafia Strikes German Pastor

A Christian preacher in Germany, Olaf Latzel, has been fined in a sham trial that literally took place in a theater instead of a court. His "crime" was preaching Biblical truths about homosexuality. Religious persecution against Christians is spreading, and it will continue until Christians find courage.
Gay Mafia Strikes German Pastor
A Christian preacher in Germany, Olaf Latzel, has been fined in a sham trial that literally took place in a theater instead of a court. His "crime" was preaching Biblical truths about homosexuality. R...

Cuomo Could Not Let Trump Win

Andrew Cuomo's secretary recently admitted that a criminal cover-up took place, wherein Cuomo's office purposefully provided false data surrounding nursing home deaths in order to sabotage criminal investigation by the Department of Justice.
Cuomo Could Not Let Trump Win
Andrew Cuomo's secretary recently admitted that a criminal cover-up took place, wherein Cuomo's office purposefully provided false data surrounding nursing home deaths in order to sabotage criminal in...

I just saw a video in which a woman said that she was at the January 6th protest in Washington D.C. and that she saw Roseanne Boyland get beaten by police, with their batons. Roseanne is the woman who the media claims was "trampled to death". Does anyone have any further information or evidence? The witness claimed that lots of people were filming at the time, but I haven't seen any footage of this whatsoever. If you don't know anything, please consider sharing this post, so that it might reach someone who does know something. If the police really did beat a woman to death, then this needs to get exposed.

I'm saddened to hear of Rush Limbaugh's death. He was brave and willing to say what he thought was right when few others would. Rest in peace. Prayers for his family and friends.

Was he dressed as grandma or did he "identify as" grandma? It makes all of the difference in today's world.

Canada Is Disappearing Travelers

The Canadian Government has embraced a despotic policy of kidnapping its own citizens and imprisoning them in secret locations for undetermined periods of time. Here we go again with more abuses of emergency powers under the guise of fighting the flu, but this has nothing to do with health.
Canada Is Disappearing Travelers
The Canadian Government has embraced a despotic policy of kidnapping its own citizens and imprisoning them in secret locations for undetermined periods of time. Here we go again with more abuses of emergency powers under the guise of fighting the flu, but this has nothing to do with health.

If I go quiet... The winter storm is about to hit me today.

Screenshot (Feb 17, 2021 5:32:18 AM)

Police Did the Capitol Killings

It is time to honestly examine the deaths which occurred at the Save America protest on January 6th, in Washington D.C. Despite Big Media's fabrications and fantasies, the truth is that the patriotic protesters did not kill anyone. In direct opposition to weeks of media reports, Trump's supporters were the only ones who were killed on that day and they were killed by wanton police violence. It looks like the situation was carefully orchestrated to get people killed, so that their deaths could be used to satisfy a nefarious political agenda.
Police Did the Capitol Killings
It is time to honestly examine the deaths which occurred at the Save America protest on January 6th, in Washington D.C. Despite Big Media's fabrications and fantasies, the truth is that the patriotic protesters did not kill anyone. In direct opposition to weeks of media reports, Trump's supporters w...

Forward from: FritzTheLang
St Valentine was jailed by pagan Claudius for helping Christians get secretly married. In short, he was cancelled.

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