The Erandelles : OPEN!

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❦. In a world full of mystery, those are 𝖒𝖎𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖚𝖑𝖔𝖚𝖘 𝖋𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 seek miracles for their immortality. With the whole of our heart & sincerity, 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖘 provide you a lot of trusted services. Call us through @ErandellesAssist

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Pagiii, yuk jajan! Jangan lupa cek TnC dan cek catalogue sama talent disini yaa.

Forward from: Katalog feuillestore : OPEN
[ To all my dearest BA mutuals and anyone who saw this message, can you please forward this message to your channel? I feel so honored if any of you guys are willing to help me!(╹◡╹)♡ ]

Musim gugur ditemani dengan syal tebal untuk menyambut musim dingin, kencan bersama yang terkasih diiringi jatuhnya bunga berwarna kuning kecoklatan. Sangat berkesan dan spesial, betul bukan?

Namun ada satu hal yang membuatnya lebih spesial, yaitu @feuillestore.
Store kami debut pada tanggal 12 april 2021 , dan kami sedang open first order untuk pembeli terkasih kami! Kami menyediakan beberapa produk, seperti berikut ini :

☆. GIF

Jadi tunggu apalagi? Ayo kunjungi store kami dan memesan sekarang juga sebelum kalian telat dan menyesal karna ada promo menarik loh teman-teman!!
Segera kunjungi katalog kami di

Contact : @luscuu

Forward from: 𝐿ovelly 𝒮tore
[Untuk mutual BA ku, boleh tolong teruskan pesan ini ke channel kalian? Thank you]

Hai hai, kami ingin memberi tahu bahwa pada tanggal 15 April pukul 13.00 WIB, kami resmi membuka store kami.

Kami menyediakan:
- verif nomor
- bubble lysn
- apk premium
- upviews
- upfoll
- upsubs
- profneeds

Sebelum memesan silahkan cek TnC dulu ya. Terimakasih.

hloh, mari jajan 🙏

And now, let me show you the discount and some extra from The Erandelles! Are you curious about that? Let's see togetha!

𖥔. Pembelian wording min.3k gratis add 1 topping kecuali Thesaurus & Old english.

𖥔. Pembelian icons/manips (boleh campur) min.10k gratis 2 icons PSD.

𖥔. Paket Hemat Apk Prem & Bubble
› Netflix Sharing 1 bulan + Spotify/Youtube 1 bulan = 35k
› Disney Sharing 1 bulan + Viu 1 bulan = 25k
› Bubble lysn + Netflix sharing 2 hari = 35k

𖥔. Paket Hemat BF/GF/Fams Rent (min.2 hari)
› 2k/hari berlaku kelipatan
› +1k/hari (Begadang/ditemenin sahur/movie date/game date)
› +1k/rent (imagine litarate/imagine sfw/spotify session/IC idol & anime)
› +2k/8-10 menit VN
› +3k/30-40 menit OTP

𖥔. Paket Hemat Upsubs Main Acc (RP/BA/CA)
› 70 subs + 100 views = 5k
› 140 subs + 200 views = 10k
› 210 subs + 300 views = 15k

What are you waiting for? Go grab yours through our assistant @ErandellesAssist.

[For my dearest business mutuals, would you forward this message to your channel as a sign of our love? It means a lot for us, thank you!]

Emlo, telelings! Our warmest greetings go to all of you who are reading this message. We, The Erandelles will having our debut and open for the very first time today at 3.00 PM. Aren't you excited? I hope so! Go check our channel ASAP and see our wonderful talent and a lot of services! Pssstt, there's also discount and extra secret from us! Go check the bubble chat below, we'll wait!♡


☆. Check @TalentErandelles
to see our talent's profile

☆. Check @CatalogueErandelles
to see our catalogue



☆. Make sure your username matched with the rules.

☆. Maximum 5 days for username that use offer system and 7 days for fixed price username, channel, or ig account.

☆. We will spread to 8-9 sales base and 150+ lpm.

☆. We don't ensure that your username, ch, and ig account will be sold at high prices

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