🔒 Boost Your Earnings with $SECOND Staking
Maximize your rewards by staking your $SECOND tokens.
The longer you lock them in, the greater your bonus:
✦ 3 Days: +3%
✦ 15 Days: +10%
✦ 45 Days: +35%
Example: Stake 1 million $SECOND for 45 days and earn an additional 350,000 $SECOND!
💸 Start staking now and watch your rewards grow.
Maximize your rewards by staking your $SECOND tokens.
The longer you lock them in, the greater your bonus:
✦ 3 Days: +3%
✦ 15 Days: +10%
✦ 45 Days: +35%
Example: Stake 1 million $SECOND for 45 days and earn an additional 350,000 $SECOND!
💸 Start staking now and watch your rewards grow.