Forward from: Le Relations
[ Hi! If you're one of our business mutual or one of kind-hearted people who don't mind sharing this announcement, we're sending our deepest gratitude for helping us! ]
Hello again, people! After this and that, Le Relations is about to open their gate again for the nth times! Of course, we always serve our best services quality for each customer so you don't have worry. Before jump to the details, please read the Terms and Conditions first. If you agree with it, you may take a look to our pricelist right here, then filling the form. Pst, you can request a talent in this batch!
Now save the date! Our gate will officily opened at April 28th at exact 1PM WIB, in other way it's on 13.00! Please be prepare because as always, the slot it limited.
Best regards,
Hello again, people! After this and that, Le Relations is about to open their gate again for the nth times! Of course, we always serve our best services quality for each customer so you don't have worry. Before jump to the details, please read the Terms and Conditions first. If you agree with it, you may take a look to our pricelist right here, then filling the form. Pst, you can request a talent in this batch!
Now save the date! Our gate will officily opened at April 28th at exact 1PM WIB, in other way it's on 13.00! Please be prepare because as always, the slot it limited.
Best regards,