The risk assessments are carried out by the leading specialists in Norway. For significant changes to be made in the sentencing regime, the ball is in Breivik's court. He is the one who must work actively with the ideas that formed the basis of the actions on 22 July. It is only when there is a real initiative that it is appropriate to consider easing the sentence 🤦♂️, says Nerland
Han har rett til å bli hørt. Det er slik rettssystemet vårt er. Jeg tenker at kriminalomsorgen gjør det de kan, og at han får særbehandling sammenliknet med andre fanger, sier han.
He has the right to be heard. That's the way our legal system is. I think that the correctional services are doing what they can, and that he gets special treatment compared to other prisoners, he says.
🙅♂️NOPE, HE HAS NO RIGHT! He can express all during the first session / big investigation, after that NO PAROLE and another session before the execution! (in case we convert death penalty to life sentence!)
Staten la vekt på at 44-åringen kvittet seg med besøksvennen sin gjennom ni år.
The state emphasized that the 44-year-old got rid of his visiting friend of nine years.
This was probably NOT A FRIEND!
I tillegg får han lov til å studere, og er innvilget å ha tre undulater på gangen.
In addition, he is allowed to study, and is allowed to have three budgies in the hallway.
which is ok to have something to do, BUT NOT AS AN EXCUSE "CAN I GET PAROLE NOW!"
I forrige rettsrunde, i 2016 og 2017, fikk han medhold av tingretten på punktet om artikkel 3, men staten vant på alle punkter i lagmannsretten. Saken ble deretter avvist av Høyesterett og Den europeiske menneskerettsdomstolen i Strasbourg.
Han har rett til å bli hørt. Det er slik rettssystemet vårt er. Jeg tenker at kriminalomsorgen gjør det de kan, og at han får særbehandling sammenliknet med andre fanger, sier han.
He has the right to be heard. That's the way our legal system is. I think that the correctional services are doing what they can, and that he gets special treatment compared to other prisoners, he says.
🙅♂️NOPE, HE HAS NO RIGHT! He can express all during the first session / big investigation, after that NO PAROLE and another session before the execution! (in case we convert death penalty to life sentence!)
Staten la vekt på at 44-åringen kvittet seg med besøksvennen sin gjennom ni år.
The state emphasized that the 44-year-old got rid of his visiting friend of nine years.
This was probably NOT A FRIEND!
I tillegg får han lov til å studere, og er innvilget å ha tre undulater på gangen.
In addition, he is allowed to study, and is allowed to have three budgies in the hallway.
which is ok to have something to do, BUT NOT AS AN EXCUSE "CAN I GET PAROLE NOW!"
I forrige rettsrunde, i 2016 og 2017, fikk han medhold av tingretten på punktet om artikkel 3, men staten vant på alle punkter i lagmannsretten. Saken ble deretter avvist av Høyesterett og Den europeiske menneskerettsdomstolen i Strasbourg.