Lebenserwartung in Indonesien 71.3 Jahren https://perma.cc/6Z3W-X3Y6
In Deutschland 81.7 Jahren https://perma.cc/TTL2-MR44
Jedoch muss man auch sagen, dass z.B. die Mortalität bei Kindern unter 5 Jahren erhöht ist (2%) https://perma.cc/87JR-AJDY statt Deutschland (eher 0) https://perma.cc/AD8Q-SKPL
Armut und weitere Sachen müssen betrachtet werden The aging population in Indonesia is more dominated by socioeconomic factors than demographic, health, and environmental factors. Even the last confirmed factor has no significant effect on the aging population in Indonesia. Economic development, high levels of education, the process of urbanization, and improvement of the health system for the community are the driving force behind reducing mortality and increasing life expectancy for the community and are determinants of population aging in Indonesia. https://perma.cc/WG7B-65YF und https://perma.cc/JNC9-DRR7
There were large disparities in health outcomes among provinces. In 2019, Bali had the highest life expectancy at birth for males (74·4 years, 70·90–77·9) and North Kalimantan had the highest life expectancy at birth for females (77·7 years, 74·7–81·2), whereas Papua had the lowest life expectancy at birth for males (64·5 years, 60·9–68·2) and North Maluku had the lowest life expectancy at birth for females (64·0 years, 60·7–67·3).
The six leading risk factors for DALYs in Indonesia in 2019 were high systolic blood pressure, tobacco use, dietary risks, high fasting plasma glucose, high BMI, and child and maternal malnutrition (es wurde nicht erwähnt “zu wenig Fleischkonsum”, auch bei UNICEF https://perma.cc/5ZGP-2NH8) aus “The state of health in Indonesia’s provinces, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019”
Bzgl. der Mangelernährung: Protein adequacy was higher (106.2%) than the Recommended Dietary Allowance. Mean energy adequacy reached almost 100%, which was 99.6%, while adequacy for protein was even higher, reaching 106.2%. However, there were still four provinces with inadequate energy, namely West Kalimantan (77.4%), Maluku (84.8%), North Maluku (86.7%), and Papua (87.7%). Papua was the only province with inadequate protein (77.3%) (aus “Factors associated with undernutrition and improvement in Indonesia”)
Animal protein frequency counts were 34% of total in Indonesia, but 50% in Malaysia’s …. Other than for island provinces, fish consumption in Indonesia may also be replaced by more poultry and dairy products. However, current estimates place per capita daily protein intake from fish in Indonesia at no more than 8.5 grams per person per day.
In 2017, the average energy consumption of the Indonesian population was 2,202 kcal per capita per day, which exceeded the AKE set by the WNPG in 2012 by 2.5 percent. The average protein consumption in Indonesia in 2017 was 63.30 grams per capita per day, which exceeded the protein adequacy number (AKP) of 57 grams per capita per year or equivalent to 111 percent.
(aus “Animal and Plant Protein Food Sources in Indonesia Differ Across Socio-Demographic Groups: Socio-Cultural Research in Protein Transition in Indonesia and Malaysia” und “Modeling the Future of Indonesian Food Consumption: Final Report”)
Bzgl das kann man ein bisschen mehr sagen, weil 57g sind 0.8g/kg Protein bei 70kg, was auch zu wenig sein könnte, vor allem wenn man pflanzlich isst …
We found that, in 2007, the prevalence of under- and over- weight was 14.4% and 17.9%, respectively (aus “The double burden of malnutrition in Indonesia: Social determinants and geographical variations”)
Factors are lack of education and knowledge, income poverty, unsafe water, an unsanitary environment and food insecurity (aus “Malnutrition among children in Indonesia: It is still a problem”)
Aber trotzdem, betrachtet man alles zusammen, kann man nicht sagen “wenig 🥩 Fleisch konsumieren = kann man nicht leben ⚰️”.
In Deutschland 81.7 Jahren https://perma.cc/TTL2-MR44
Jedoch muss man auch sagen, dass z.B. die Mortalität bei Kindern unter 5 Jahren erhöht ist (2%) https://perma.cc/87JR-AJDY statt Deutschland (eher 0) https://perma.cc/AD8Q-SKPL
Armut und weitere Sachen müssen betrachtet werden The aging population in Indonesia is more dominated by socioeconomic factors than demographic, health, and environmental factors. Even the last confirmed factor has no significant effect on the aging population in Indonesia. Economic development, high levels of education, the process of urbanization, and improvement of the health system for the community are the driving force behind reducing mortality and increasing life expectancy for the community and are determinants of population aging in Indonesia. https://perma.cc/WG7B-65YF und https://perma.cc/JNC9-DRR7
There were large disparities in health outcomes among provinces. In 2019, Bali had the highest life expectancy at birth for males (74·4 years, 70·90–77·9) and North Kalimantan had the highest life expectancy at birth for females (77·7 years, 74·7–81·2), whereas Papua had the lowest life expectancy at birth for males (64·5 years, 60·9–68·2) and North Maluku had the lowest life expectancy at birth for females (64·0 years, 60·7–67·3).
The six leading risk factors for DALYs in Indonesia in 2019 were high systolic blood pressure, tobacco use, dietary risks, high fasting plasma glucose, high BMI, and child and maternal malnutrition (es wurde nicht erwähnt “zu wenig Fleischkonsum”, auch bei UNICEF https://perma.cc/5ZGP-2NH8) aus “The state of health in Indonesia’s provinces, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019”
Bzgl. der Mangelernährung: Protein adequacy was higher (106.2%) than the Recommended Dietary Allowance. Mean energy adequacy reached almost 100%, which was 99.6%, while adequacy for protein was even higher, reaching 106.2%. However, there were still four provinces with inadequate energy, namely West Kalimantan (77.4%), Maluku (84.8%), North Maluku (86.7%), and Papua (87.7%). Papua was the only province with inadequate protein (77.3%) (aus “Factors associated with undernutrition and improvement in Indonesia”)
Animal protein frequency counts were 34% of total in Indonesia, but 50% in Malaysia’s …. Other than for island provinces, fish consumption in Indonesia may also be replaced by more poultry and dairy products. However, current estimates place per capita daily protein intake from fish in Indonesia at no more than 8.5 grams per person per day.
In 2017, the average energy consumption of the Indonesian population was 2,202 kcal per capita per day, which exceeded the AKE set by the WNPG in 2012 by 2.5 percent. The average protein consumption in Indonesia in 2017 was 63.30 grams per capita per day, which exceeded the protein adequacy number (AKP) of 57 grams per capita per year or equivalent to 111 percent.
(aus “Animal and Plant Protein Food Sources in Indonesia Differ Across Socio-Demographic Groups: Socio-Cultural Research in Protein Transition in Indonesia and Malaysia” und “Modeling the Future of Indonesian Food Consumption: Final Report”)
Bzgl das kann man ein bisschen mehr sagen, weil 57g sind 0.8g/kg Protein bei 70kg, was auch zu wenig sein könnte, vor allem wenn man pflanzlich isst …
We found that, in 2007, the prevalence of under- and over- weight was 14.4% and 17.9%, respectively (aus “The double burden of malnutrition in Indonesia: Social determinants and geographical variations”)
Factors are lack of education and knowledge, income poverty, unsafe water, an unsanitary environment and food insecurity (aus “Malnutrition among children in Indonesia: It is still a problem”)
Aber trotzdem, betrachtet man alles zusammen, kann man nicht sagen “wenig 🥩 Fleisch konsumieren = kann man nicht leben ⚰️”.