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How I Use ChatGPT as a Frontend Developer (5 Ways)

TLDR A frontend developer shares five ways to use ChatGPT for optimizing workflow, including formatting JSON, creating UI skeletons, generating random data, working with regular expressions, and finding code solutions. By leveraging ChatGPT, tasks such as creating Material UI skeletons or finding regex solutions become more efficient, saving time and enhancing productivity.

🔗 https://medium.com/@sumsourabh14/how-i-use-chatgpt-as-a-frontend-developer-5-ways-0494d6f1ab54

Sorry Guys I was busy with my exam then with my job

From now On I'll post Everyday so stay tuned and Unmute channel

Around 2013 Google’s source control system was servicing over 25,000 developers a day, all off of a single server tucked under a stairwell

🔗 https://graphite.dev/blog/google-perforce-to-piper-migration

A Git story: Not so fun this time

🔗 https://blog.brachiosoft.com/en/posts/git/

Problematic Second: How the leap second, occurring only 27 times in history, has caused significant issues for technology and science.

🔗 https://sarvendev.com/2024/07/problematic-second/

Beating NumPy's matrix multiplication in 150 lines of C code

🔗 https://salykova.github.io/matmul-cpu

Your Gut is Smarter Than Your Spreadsheet: The Art of Software Estimation

🔗 https://jonahdevs.com/your-gut-is-smarter-than-your-spreadsheet-the-art-of-software-estimation/

Weekend coding projects for developers: Let’s get some hands-on practice – Part 1

🔗 https://shivangsnewsletter.com/p/coding-projects

Getting 100% code coverage doesn't eliminate bugs

🔗 https://blog.codepipes.com/testing/code-coverage.html

James Gosling, creator of Java, announced that he is retiring

Sorry Guys For Not Posting I was a bit busy With Some Work

Thanks For You Support

53 Project Ideas From Beginner to Advanced

🔗 https://dev.to/gokayburuc/53-project-ideas-for-beginner-to-advanced-2j5

20 Essential Browser Extensions For Web Developers

🔗 https://www.traversymedia.com/blog/20-browser-extensions

20 Essential Browser Extensions For Web Developers

🔗 https://www.traversymedia.com/blog/20-browser-extensions

20 last posts shown.