Forward from: White Lives Matter Official
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For the 19th consecutive month, pro-White activists have taken to the streets to stand up for their race.
Not a lot of words can do justice to the amount of effort WLM and allies have put in for their people, but perhaps 14 of them will do.
We are in the streets because we want to show the world that White People are not done with. From the few that we are today, to the many that will come tomorrow.
Our commitment to the road we have taken is unbreakable. The 19th of November will see our biggest turnout yet.
You can join in at @WLMcontactBot. 14 or nothing!
For the 19th consecutive month, pro-White activists have taken to the streets to stand up for their race.
Not a lot of words can do justice to the amount of effort WLM and allies have put in for their people, but perhaps 14 of them will do.
We are in the streets because we want to show the world that White People are not done with. From the few that we are today, to the many that will come tomorrow.
Our commitment to the road we have taken is unbreakable. The 19th of November will see our biggest turnout yet.
You can join in at @WLMcontactBot. 14 or nothing!