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🔎 @WomenRightsTelegram All people need to get respect, no matter age / religion / wealth / etc. A project by @AnimalFreaks @RoadToPetabyte @GenRevolutionOfficial @PlanetFreaks @CountriesFreaks

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Telegram Freaks, Nature Freaks, GenRevolution and WomenRightsTelegram are standing for peace - Stop the war channels

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No country in the world has achieved full gender equality — not even Iceland. This week, thousands of women in Iceland took part in a strike to protest unequal pay and gender-based violence. #womensrights #genderequality #equalpay #iceland #humanrights #protest #news #worldnews #europe

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We launched 2 new channels, so you can better find related content. We ordered the post based on our main comments we did on videos or based on the topic. Obviously most complete channel is and remains @IsraelWarBullshit

Palestine for Dummies on Telegram by GRT : Learn more about Gaza - Israel conflict with science and facts

Every terror / terroristic attack is done by Islam, Arab, Muslim, Hamas, Palestine, Gaza, ISIS terrorists? Bullshit!

Maybe we missed some posts, but we tried to include mosts related posts to such topics.

PS: we missed the posts about rape, we will add them later

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Best rapper in the whole world is coming on Telegram! A rapper that should win world award for defending human / planet and animals rights!

Every rapper in all countries should take example from this.

If people would all be like Shervin and co. ...

instead of give a shit to all things! by keeping 🙈🙉🙊

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Religion is just bullshit! Part 2

Part 1

Childhood’s End: Forced Into Marriage At Age 10 In Iran

Israel ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1991, which sets a minimum age of marriage of 18

Religion and Animal Welfare, Review: Since cruelty to animals occurs during production, handling, transport, and slaughter in most countries where Islam is a major religion ... Many Muslims and Islamic religious leaders are not aware of the cruelty that is routinely inflicted on animals.

Arab countries listed as the worst for animal welfare ...

The word Palestine derives from ancient Greek (Philistia), but ancient Egyptian, Assyrian and Hebrew languages also included similar-sounding words to describe the region or its people. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all strongly tied to the region, and trace origins to the land over the past few thousand years

As of 2018, the vast majority of Israelis identify as Jewish (74.3%), followed by Muslim (17.8%), Christian (1.9%), Druze (1.6%) and some other religion (4.4%)

With nearly 98% of all Palestinians being Muslim

U.S. adults under 30 view the Palestinian people at least as warmly (61% very or somewhat favorable) as the Israeli people (56%) and rate the Palestinian government as favorably (35%) as the Israeli government (34%)

Conclusion: just another example why you need to consider ALL ASPECTS before saying someone is innocent!

Islam, one of the worst religion in the world for rights, even if all other religion are 💩 too. Would be time to have a planet without religion at all, where people follow what their brain is saying, not was is written in religious books ...

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Religion is just bullshit! Part 1

The real problem? It's that people believe all religion bullshits! no matter which religion.

Religion is the NR 1 reason of conflicts / crimes / terrorism and missing human / animal rights worldwide.

Yale University: Religion and religious beliefs do not cause directly aggression, conflicts, and wars. They can strengthen these patterns when they are used to these purposes.

Cambridge: Religion can be a problematic aspect of contemporary social conflict, even if it is not the problem, in the sense of the root cause of discontent .... In both cases, religion is a problematic partner of political confrontation. Religion brings more to conflict than simply a repository of symbols and the aura of divine support.

Cambridge: It can be said that there is no direct relationship between religion and violence. Exclusivist trends are essentially not religious but are distorted interpretations of God’s message. ... It becomes clear that there is an interrelationship between the exclusivist interpretation of religion and religious violence.

Number of countries with terrorist activity related to religion declines for a fifth consecutive year

Those policies that limit freedom of religion to counter-terrorism might fuel religion-related terrorism

There is no consensus in Islamic law around the age of consent to marriage or sexual relations

Muhammad married her when he was fifty three years old and she was only six years old. He had intercourse with her when she was nine years old

New UN initiative aims to protect millions of girls from child marriage

Child Marriage

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🇵🇸⚱️Palestine Under Attack🇵🇸⚱️

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Women Life Freedom got awarded, but the reality is, that even the politicians give a shit to such things!

They are talking about that, but they miss simply all projects released by such women, dj, etc. Just the fact that such videos get visited by 3 cats ... like always happens with all other things too.

They just know what TikTok For You show them = nothing

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Stop Executions in Iran

It's time to stop no sense death sentences! @AmnestyBullshit

Death sentences should be done with brain 🧠

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💥💥United Nations💥💥
Only videos? @UnitedNationsVideos

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Jena needs to tell you something

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What people talks all the time 👶🙇‍♂️

What people always forget 🦭

Remember that animals have the exact same rights like humans! and not that 🧍‍♂️> 🐻‍❄️

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Forward from: Israel Gaza Palestine War Fake Bullshit News and Videos - Noticias y vídeos falsos - Fausses nouvelles / Connerie - Blödsinn
Significant human rights issues included credible reports of: unlawful or arbitrary killings; arbitrary detention, often extraterritorial detention of Palestinians from the occupied territories in Israel; restrictions on Palestinians residing in Jerusalem including arbitrary or unlawful interference with privacy, family, and home; substantial interference with the freedom of association; arbitrary or unlawful interference with privacy; harassment of nongovernmental organizations; significant restrictions on freedom of movement within the country; violence against asylum seekers and irregular migrants; violence or threats of violence against national, racial, or ethnic minority groups; and labor rights abuses against foreign workers and Palestinians from the West Bank.

Israeli law does not include a specific prohibition on torture, although Israel signed the UN Convention against Torture in 1986 and signed it in 1991. Israeli domestic law prohibits the application of physical force, assault, or pressure by a public official.

A variety of Israeli, Palestinian, and international human rights groups generally operated without government restriction, investigating and publishing their findings on human rights cases.

Palestinian journalists who were able to obtain entry permits as well as Jerusalem-based Arab journalists reported incidents of harassment, racism, and occasional violence when they sought to cover news in Jerusalem, especially in the Old City and its vicinity.

In June the Journalists’ Support Committee, a nonprofit journalist advocacy organization, stated security forces committed more than 50 human rights violations against Palestinian journalists working in Jerusalem in the first half of the year, including arrests and expulsions from the city. 62 incidents of physical attacks against journalists in one year

Human rights groups condemned Hamas’s and Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s targeting of civilians as well as Israel’s targeting of civilian infrastructure.

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The hidden magic pill of Israel Defense Forces: considering women soldier part of the army! (and this in a positive way, even related to human rights aspects).

As it can be seen in the graph above, there are 15 countries with higher percentage of female military personnel in the Armed
Forces as compared to the NATO average, which is 11.1% for women and 88.9% for men.

Norway introduced general conscription for men in 1897. In 2015, Norway became the rst country in the world to conscript men and women on equal terms. According to the Defence Act, „Norwegian nationals who are t for service in the Armed Forces have a military duty from the year they turn 19, to the end of the year they turn 44 years“ but „the duty of protection does not apply to women born before 1 January 1997“. In 2018, 25.2% of conscripts were women (see Table 2). Norway is one of the founding members of NATO.

In 2013, women represented 10.5% of the armed forces of NATO members, compared to 7.14% in 1999.

In 2013, the representation of women in the di erent military services of the armed forces of NATO members was Air Force (9.46%), Navy (9.04%) and Army (8.46%).

The countries with the highest representation of women are Hungary (20.3%), the United States (18%) and Latvia (16.5%).

Based on the information available, a longitudinal analysis showed that over the past four years the percentage of women in officer positions remained at a steady gure of around 20- 25%.

Women, Peace and Security

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This is just 💔

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💥💥Human Rights Channels💥💥

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