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Killed people status update - part 4
Part 1
Now back to Ben video
i) so now we don't remember exactly the world war 2 step by step ... the book has 1859 pages too ..
meanwhile they talk a lot of bombardement, that is not just related to 🇬🇧 or 🇩🇪 ...
Dresden, Air Attack on (13–15 February
Allied strategic bombing raid against the German city of Dresden. This operation, conducted 13–15 February 1945, has become the most commonly evoked image to illustrate the excesses and horror of conventional bombing of cities.
The operation opened on the night of 13 February with two separate British raids. The first blow was delivered by 244 Lan- casters dropping more than 800 tons of bombs.
The inhabitants of the city were surprised with a second attack three hours later, this time by 529 Lancasters delivering a further 1,800 tons of bombs.
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Part 1
Now back to Ben video
i) so now we don't remember exactly the world war 2 step by step ... the book has 1859 pages too ..
meanwhile they talk a lot of bombardement, that is not just related to 🇬🇧 or 🇩🇪 ...
Dresden, Air Attack on (13–15 February
Allied strategic bombing raid against the German city of Dresden. This operation, conducted 13–15 February 1945, has become the most commonly evoked image to illustrate the excesses and horror of conventional bombing of cities.
The operation opened on the night of 13 February with two separate British raids. The first blow was delivered by 244 Lan- casters dropping more than 800 tons of bombs.
The inhabitants of the city were surprised with a second attack three hours later, this time by 529 Lancasters delivering a further 1,800 tons of bombs.
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