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ㅤ To my second home. Happy 11th mensiversary for you, 11 months isn't a short time, it's a really long time and they're still standing together, no matter how many strugle and problem they have. Keep being a solid squad. ILOYO BATAR.

𝒲ith ℒove, 𝐀imèe

Forward from: [] Breathless. #76TH🇮🇩

shhshsjajh set up mu cantikk bangettt ??!!!! IHACOY SET UP keren, pasti anaknya friendly banget 🤔🤔 positif vibess and banyak yg suka nih pastinya.

Forward from: [] Breathless. #76TH🇮🇩

huhu, you're so pretty 😭😭. Setup nya niat banget, USERNAME SAMA NAMA KAMU JUGA CANTIK BANGET. Aku kira nya dia kalem kalem gimana gituu, pas liat ch nya SKKSKSKSK humble banget sih pasti, saya percaya kamu inj sangat friendly, betul atau benul?

Forward from: [] Breathless. #76TH🇮🇩

OMGG YOU'RE SO PRETTY. Rp Yeri cantik cantik banget si, kinda talkactive i guess(? ) chnya seems cold🥶 keliatan classy gitu. friendly and possessive kalo punya someone yg special

Forward from: [] Breathless. #76TH🇮🇩

CANTIIK BANGETT 😭😭 ihh, sumpah ini cakep banget. So so prettyy, from her setup, her bio, her username, even her name. Sooo gorgeous 😫 kamu pasti friendly kan? Humble juga pasti sihh, eh ini cantik banget deh.

Forward from: [] Breathless. #76TH🇮🇩

KMU TS dongpyo bukan si (?) gatau juga si aku ga ciren 😭CAKEP gtuu vibesnya cute person and baddas, penggemar toji nih pasti 🛐😜, friendly banget kalo kenal, pasti BUCIN nih kalo udh pacaran

Forward from: [] Breathless. #76TH🇮🇩

Aduh ini, aku lupa siapa nama yang di ts in. TAPI GANTENG BANGET?!?!!! 😮‍💨😮‍💨 Mau kamu pake Chaeyoung atau itu yang lagi di ts in, tuh kayak cocok banget. Bio kamu juga selalu cakep, channel mu isinya ajsjqjzjajjs. I like everything about you tho.

Forward from: [] Breathless. #76TH🇮🇩

Set upnya CANTIK BGTTT cute - cute gitu usnnya bagus 😫😫😻 but a bit scary 😢 bionya kebalikan sama set upnya tapi keliatan elegan gitu.

Forward from: [] Breathless. #76TH🇮🇩

AYEEE, THE FIRST TIME I SAW YOUR ACC, I WAS LIKE DAMN. I MEAN— ava nya gemes tapi bionya kebalikan nya. Badass vibes nya dapet, cute nya juga dapet. AVA KE 10, yes i agree 😫😫 cute cute cute! Kalau punya bestie, tipe yang protective maybee (?)

Forward from: [] Breathless. #76TH🇮🇩

you seems friendly and pretty GIRLLSS pokoknya😮‍💨, pendiem keliatan but pasti bawel atau asik banget nih kalo udh kenal 🤔, positif vibes🤍

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