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semangat buat jempol hc rp-ers

Forward from: Whipla$h
Happy birthday uri fullsun and also happy birthday for haechan rp-ers esp : Johan, Chandra, ekal, Haidar, Ares, serangkai, hekal

Forward from: Bubblegum.

Especially : Regan, Bumi, Ibra, Harsa, Monet, Ozzie, Deiva, Hakasha, Askha, Hanendra, Faresha, Hagano, Thiago, Chandra, Candra, Dirgas, Keith, Haidan, Hikala, Harsa, Herza, Habian, Hamesta, Chandri, Zylan, Achan, Rabil, Hagia, Sakala, Aechie, Helios, Abhichandra, Haruchie, Serangkai, Hazka, Atharaska, Sastra, Bisma


kalo ada yang ke skip maap bener ya

Forward from: Très Utile.
Happy Birthday to Lee Donghyuck or Haechan 🐻 he still our best boy and it will be always like that, his voice is like an addiction, he always doing his best to his fans, I hope that Haechan always healthy, an may God always bless him💚 and also i wanna say happy birthday to all Haechan rp–ers especially Me, Haidan, Rafael, Hayzar, Andra, Abidzar, Deaniel, Sastra, Chandra, Khaesna, Sastra, Rasha, Theo, Hayden, Mahendra, Hamesta, Bian, Hesa and Kale u guys are doing well, please stay healty, and don't forget to take a big smile.

With Love, Haydan.

Forward from: ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Today is Lee Donghyuck's birthday.
Happy birthday to Lee Donghyuck and all Haechan rp-ers. Wish u all the best and always be happy! Especially Me, Dirgas, Monat, Haersa, Haidar, Sastra, Herza, Haechiel, Hansa, Hakmal, Rion, Jajak, Harsala, Hagia, Azra, Setara, Harfa, Dama, Geo, Atharaska, Abrishaka, Regan, and Zavran. You deserve it all the best for you, once again happy birthday!

Forward from: M.
Happy birthday to Lee Haechan from NCT!! NCTzen's sun and bear. May this year Haechan get lots of happiness and love from everyone. and happy birthday to Haechan rp–ers especially to:

Me, Shaka, Zylan, Marshal, Khaesna, Astra, Sean, Azriel, Eja, Sastrawira, Hezaf, Bigas, Aksara, Candra, Nathan, Setara, Monet, Zafran, Hakmal, Sastra, Harsa, Haekal, Herza, Dirgas, Haiden, Migo, Harasya, Gema, Dama, Nael, Haersa, Miko, Helenio, Haydan, Hayden, Regan, Sàbima, Haidar, Angkasa, Azra, Jelabie, Hansa, Haikal, Aska, Geo, Hagia, Bian, Hesa, Kale, Hames, Arkais, Caleb, Mahesa, Leon, Hayzar, Ichiko, Rasha, Haydan, Hadyar, Heksa, Rion, Deiva, Dadarie.

I hope we can all play Haechan even better && hope we all become better than before

Forward from: Nyctophilia.
0606: The glorious lamp of heaven, lil bear who radiates morning sun’s energy that full of happiness. Today is a day which full of joy. Happy level up Lee Donghyuck or better known as Haechan. also for us, Haechan rp-ers;

Especially Ares, Abhichandra, Achan, Andra, Aksara, Ares, Arsha, Aksha, Biel, Celeb, Caven, Chandri, Dipta, Elio, Dirgas, Dama, Fahreza, Giska, Hakmal, Helenio, Hayden, Hayzar, Haexav, Haikal, Haechiel, Harsa, Habil, Haecal, Haksara, Hagia, Haruki, Hanami, Harsa, Hansa, Haidan, Haekal, Haikal, Hansa, Habian, Hades, Hezaf, Hamid, Hema, Haekal, Harsa, Hareth, Haikal, Haezawa, Hanami, Herza, Hamesta, Helios, Harsa, Hages, Ihsan, Ibra, Jepan, Jidan, Keith, Kiel, Khaesna, Mahendra, Nathan, Nadaf, Prades, Rasha, Regan, Rechandra, Rion, Sastra, Shaka, Setara, Thiago, Zavran, and Zylan.

I hope all our birthday wishes and dreams come true, also keep using our muse as best as we can!

Sweet regards,

Forward from: Paradise
Today is, Lee Haechan day! Happy birthday to Haechan and all Haechan rp-ers especially for
Me (Dipta), Atharaksa, Harsa, Aksara, Keith, Harsya, Haydan Jagapati, Candra, Kale, Haidar, Arceno, Hazel, Ggou, Zidan, Hafizan, Hestamma, Robin, Hael, Abirama, Raksa, Histam, Aksara, Alvian, Haerza, Eca, Hares, Mark, Rion, Rasta, Rean, Biel, Khaesna, Mory, Nathan, Chandra, Sabian, Aziel, Haidan, Aska, Narenda, Sakala, Thiago, Haekal, Hansa, Herdam, Hema, Hadyan, Aksara, Sastra, Sakti, Ichiko.
May God bless you with happiness and i hope you enjoy your special day!

With Love,

Forward from: 𝐀ksará
And also Happy Bitrthday to all Haechan rp-ers esp for Me, Keith, Harsya, Haydan, Jagapati, Candra, Kale, Belva, Arceno, Hazel, Ggou, Zidan, Hafizan, Hestamma, Robin, Hael, Abirama, Raksa, Hisyam, Hayzar, Rafael, Andra, Abidzar, Sastra, Deaniel, Chandra, Haydan, Galang, Damian, Reynald, Husnul, Marshal, Michael, Zahen, Haruki, Sabda, Hafka, Askha, Hagia, Ihsan, Migey, Zylan, Harda, Harley, Hanami, Naren, Haekal, Harrison, Eja, Hardan, Thiago, Adebumi, Haris, Aksa, Hezaf, Ojel, Hikala, Hayaka, Hugo, Aziel, Sean, Andrel, Monet, Hiroshi, Alif, Rafael, Kharel, Aldari, Raddeos, Arab, Hansel, Gema, Hakasha, Herdan Akmal, Kamal, Benja, Arteza, Gwen, Radeska, Adnan, Husein, Hardi, Benneth, Ansell, Archanaya, Nathan, Haidar, Adinata, Howl, Shaka, Hudson, Bumi, Hugo, Haydan, Reyhan, Regan, Taksa, Hanzel, Veksa, Mark, Ashraf, Rashad, Arkaistra, Sastra, Aksa, Aksaera, Elio, Dipta, Khaesna, Sastra, Alvian, Hansa, Harsa

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Happy birthday to Lee Haechan irl. Thank you for working hard so far, with the most beautiful smile you have. Today is certainly the most precious day for you, I hope you have a day full of joy! And also happy birthday to Lee Haechan rp-ers especially ::
Me Mahendra Sastra Harsa Zarvan Khaesna Aksara Keith Harsya Haydan Jagapati Kale Belva Arceno Hazel Ggou Zidan Hafizan Hestamma Robin Hael Abirama Raksa Hisyam Hayzar Rafael Andra Abidzar Sastra Deaniel Chandra Haydan Galang Damian Reynald Husnul Marshal Michael Zahen Haruki Sabda Hafka Askha Hagia Ihsan Migey Zylan Harda Harley Hanami Naren Haekal Harrison Eja Hardan Thiago Adebumi Haris Aksa Hezaf Ojel Hikala Hayaka Hugo Aziel Sean Andrel Monet Hiroshi Alif Rafael Kharel Aldari Raddeos Arab Hansel Gema Hakasha Herdan Akmal Kamal Benja Arteza Gwen Radeska Adnan Husein Hardi Benneth Ansell Archanaya Nathan Haidar Adinata Howl Shaka Hudson Bumi Hugo Haydan Reyhan Regan Taksa Hanzel Veksa Mark Ashraf Rashad Arkaistra Sastra Aksaera.
Enjoy your day! 💋💋

Forward from: com. hstㅤ
𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗬 𝗕𝗜𝗥𝗧𝗛𝗗𝗔𝗬 for Lee Haechan and all Haechan rp ers — especially for,
Me, Haiden, Haekal, Saka, Evon, Hikala
Atha, Haesa, Khaesna, Deskava, Setara,
Mahendra, Harsa, Harrison, Haerza, Elio
Damar, Rasha, Nara, Sastra, Harsa, Askha, Haekal, Chanchan, Bear, Haidar, Hasta, Harfa, Dirgas, Khaesna, Leon, Javasco

Always keep the good name of your muse, and use it well. enjoy your special day, don't forget to blow out the candles and make a wish. once again, happy birthday!

Forward from: M.
Happy birthday to Lee Haechan from NCT!! NCTzen's sun and bear. May this year Haechan get lots of happiness and love from everyone. and happy birthday to Haechan rp–ers especially to:

Me, Shaka, Zylan, Marshal, Khaesna, Astra, Sean, Azriel, Eja, Sastrawira, Hezaf, Bigas, Aksara, Candra, Nathan, Setara, Monet, Zafran, Hakmal, Sastra, Harsa, Haekal, Herza, Dirgas, Haiden, Migo, Harasya, Gema, Dama, Nael, Haersa, Miko, Helenio, Haydan, Hayden, Regan, Sàbima, Haidar, Angkasa, Azra, Jelabie, Hansa, Haikal, Aska, Geo, Hagia, Bian, Hesa, Kale, Hames, Arkais, Caleb, Mahesa, Leon, Hayzar, Ichiko, Rasha, Haydan, Hadyar, Heksa, Rion, Deiva, Dadarie.

I hope we can all play Haechan even better && hope we all become better than before

Forward from: Midnight Memories.
June 6, it's Lee Haechan birthday! Happy level up to Haechan and Haechan rp-ers

Especially for : Me, Haiden, Hayden, Hansa, Haruki, Haersa, Herdam, Haydan, Hages, Mahendra, Devon, Dirgas, Dikta, Dama, Astra, Sastra, Elio, Levin, Aksan, Achan, Geo, Caleb, Atharaska, Nathan, Arsya, Zavran, Ibra, Saddam, Sakala, Shaka, Arsha. Hope y'all can use your face claim well.

May you always be blessed with love and i hope your birthday full of joy and happiness, be healthy and be happy as always. Once again, Happy birthday! Enjoy your special day peeps 🥳

Forward from: Аташ
Happy level up for this talented sweet boy Lee Haechan, which we always call fullsun because of his joy. Thank you for working hard and doing your best, keep shining bright and cheerful Haechan, i wish you more happiness in the future in your own way && and keep showing your beautiful smile.

Once again Happy Birthday to Beloved Lee Haechan && all Haechan rp–ers,

especially for
Bima, Aksara, Keith, Harsya, Haydan, Jagapati, Candra, Kale, Belva, Arceno, Hazel, Ggou, Zidan, Hafizan, Hestamma, Robin, Hael, Abirama, Raksa, Hisyam, Hayzar, Rafael, Andra, Abidzar, Sastra, Deaniel, Chandra, Haydan, Galang, Damian, Reynald, Husnul, Marshal, Michael, Zahen, Haruki, Sabda, Hafka, Askha, Hagia, Ihsan, Migey, Zylan, Harda, Harley, Hanami, Naren, Haekal, Harrison, Eja, Hardan, Thiago, Adebumi, Haris, Aksa, Hezaf, Ojel, Hikala, Hayaka, Hugo, Aziel, Sean, Andrel, Monet, Hiroshi, Alif, Rafael, Kharel, Aldari, Raddeos, Arab, Hansel, Gema, Hakasha, Herdan Akmal, Kamal, Benja, Arteza, Gwen, Radeska, Adnan, Husein, Hardi, Benneth, Ansell, Archanaya, Nathan, Haidar, Adinata, Howl, Shaka, Hudson, Askha, Bumi, Hugo, Haydan, Sakala, Rashad, Herdam, Helenio, Haekal, Haidan, Haruki, Sastra, Dipta, Nathan, Herza, Elio, Geo, Hansa, Aksaera, Reyhan, Regan, Taksa, Hanzel, Veksa, Mark, Ashraf, Arkaistra, Sastra, Aksa

Don’t forget to be happy today. Enjoy your birthday party && have a pleasant day!!b

Forward from: — 𝟏𝟏'𝐃𝐆
𝐇appy 𝐁irthday for Lee Haechan NCT irl and Happy Birthday too for Lee Haechan Nct rp - ers.

esp; Me, Yuza, Argeno, Reygav Rigel, Khaesna, Sastra, Hakmal, Haydan, Ares, Rabil, Deiva, Setara, Mahendra, Hasala, Levin, Elio, Harfa, Harsa, Asya, Monet, Herza, Nathan, Haraka, Aksa, Migo, Hansa, Reyhan, Rion, Sakala, Harsa, Haizar, Haechiel, Haikal, Hagia, Thiago, Jelabie, Angkasa, Aska, Astra, Haidar, Bani, Sabima, Dama, Sean, Geo, Caleb, Hema, Haruchie, Hadyan, Haezal, Chandran, Aechie, Bumi, Kiel, Helenio.

i wish you more of the happiest birthdays. enjoy your birthday! God Bless You


Forward from: Philocalist.
Happy Birthday Lee Dong-Hyuck Dan All Lee Dong-Hyuck rp-ers. Especially For pilik, monet, heksa, Gama, Delion, januar, iam, angkasa, harsa, raechan, serangkai, juan Dan All member form neotrezy yang menggunakan fc Lee Dong-Hyuck.

Hope your special day brings you all that that your heart desires. Here's wishing you a day full of pleasent surprises!

Forward from: Last Hour.
ㅤㅤOn June 6, 2000 a talented man was born to this world. The nicest, the cutest, the most handsome people i have ever seen. Happiest birthday to Lee Haechan of NCT Dream.

ㅤㅤMay this year be even more wonderful and blessed, the brights colors paint your life and you'll be happy forever. Another year, another challenge. But, i hope you always remember to keep smilling and have a positive outlook on life, and everything is going to be fine. I wish you love, hope, and everlasting joy and happiness. Last, i hope your birthday is as sweet as the cake and the year to follow is filled with as much joy as you bring everythings around you.

ㅤㅤAlso happy birthday to all Haechan Rp-ers especially: Me, Mahendra, Khaesna, Zylan, Sean, Bumi, Herdam, Haekal, Haersa, Haydan, Hugo, Chandra, Arab, Hudson, Askha, Regan, Hadyan, Dirgas, Herza, Sastra, Setara, Harsa, Hakmal, Bigas, Rion, Jelabie, Achan, Candra, Hagia, Nathan, and Haiden.

ㅤㅤOnce again, Happy level up!

Forward from: no longer
ㅤㅤㅤtoday is a very special day bcs a good and cool boy was born on this day.

happy level up for Lee Haechan and all Lee Haechan rp-ers esp for : Me, Levin, Hayzar, Bani, Khaesna, Haechiel, Dadarie, Dirgas, Aksa, Monet, Harsa, Arkais, Haidan, Harfa, Haekal, Hakmal, Sastra, Herza, Hadyan, Migo, Hansa, Sakala, Thiago, Geo, Jelabie, Setara, Herdam, Haersa, Harsala, Mahendra, Atharaska, Hagia, Aksara, Ibra, Zavran, Harfa, Nathan, Hema, Hasta, Bumi, Elio, Regan

best wishes to all of you. enjoy your day!

Forward from: ㅤㅤ
Happy Birthday to Lee Haechan! May God always protect him and give him all the luck in his life.

and also to all of Haechan rp-ers.
especially for: Me, Sastra, Khaesna, Mahendra, Athan, Astra, Dirgas, Sastrawira, Harsa, Miko, Dama, Aska, Hansa, Helenio, Zavran, Herza, Bumi.

Best wishes to all of you! Enjoy ur day and take care of ur muse. I hope u can get full of happiness, keep healty always!

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