بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم
Recently, I started uploading classes and translations on YouTube, but some of my noble brothers mentioned some points of objection, such as the principle: 'warding off evil takes precedence over bringing about good', so I seek your advice.
Wa'aleikum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
O my brother Abu Ishaq, may Allāh reward you for your efforts in terms of uploading lessons and benefits, whether that be on WhatsApp, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube. For indeed, knowledge should be propagated through all media platforms, and we must outstrip the people of evil by propagating (correct) Aqeedah, Tawheed, Salafi Da‘wah, advices and goodness. And the origin is that YouTube channels are like any other media platforms; in that you're able to upload your files onto your individual channel without it containing any (animate) images or anything of this nature. And whoever searches on this platform will find this (good) and that (evil); so whoever searches for good finds it and whoever searches for evil will also find it. And we must fear Allāh according to our ability. I personally believe that it's incumbent upon us to propagate using these platforms in order to outstrip the people of evil and corruption. And the goodness is noticeable and evil is on the decline. Whoever seeks good finds it and whoever seeks evil finds it. YouTube is considered to be from the most far-reaching media platforms, such that getting to the people of evil is made very easy; in that you are able to refute the likes of ‘Adnan Ibrahim (a deviant) so that whoever searches for Adnan Ibrahim comes across your refutation against him. You are able to refute the Jahmiyyah, the Mu'tazilah, the Rafidhah, the Hizbees and all the other people of falsehood; whereby a great deal of good takes place and a clear victory is attained. And we have nothing to do with the evil (that goes on), nor does it have anything to do with us, and all praises belong to Allāh. May Allah bless you. As for this principle [warding evil takes precedence over bringing about good], then the good/benefit sought from this (i.e. utilising these platforms) is propagating Tawheed and the Sunnah; which is the greatest good. And the evil (presumed) is one which is speculative and confined to those who seek and search for evil. Otherwise, the righteous are far from evil. May Allāh bless you, and all praise be to Allāh.
Original Fatwa:
Recently, I started uploading classes and translations on YouTube, but some of my noble brothers mentioned some points of objection, such as the principle: 'warding off evil takes precedence over bringing about good', so I seek your advice.
Wa'aleikum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
O my brother Abu Ishaq, may Allāh reward you for your efforts in terms of uploading lessons and benefits, whether that be on WhatsApp, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube. For indeed, knowledge should be propagated through all media platforms, and we must outstrip the people of evil by propagating (correct) Aqeedah, Tawheed, Salafi Da‘wah, advices and goodness. And the origin is that YouTube channels are like any other media platforms; in that you're able to upload your files onto your individual channel without it containing any (animate) images or anything of this nature. And whoever searches on this platform will find this (good) and that (evil); so whoever searches for good finds it and whoever searches for evil will also find it. And we must fear Allāh according to our ability. I personally believe that it's incumbent upon us to propagate using these platforms in order to outstrip the people of evil and corruption. And the goodness is noticeable and evil is on the decline. Whoever seeks good finds it and whoever seeks evil finds it. YouTube is considered to be from the most far-reaching media platforms, such that getting to the people of evil is made very easy; in that you are able to refute the likes of ‘Adnan Ibrahim (a deviant) so that whoever searches for Adnan Ibrahim comes across your refutation against him. You are able to refute the Jahmiyyah, the Mu'tazilah, the Rafidhah, the Hizbees and all the other people of falsehood; whereby a great deal of good takes place and a clear victory is attained. And we have nothing to do with the evil (that goes on), nor does it have anything to do with us, and all praises belong to Allāh. May Allah bless you. As for this principle [warding evil takes precedence over bringing about good], then the good/benefit sought from this (i.e. utilising these platforms) is propagating Tawheed and the Sunnah; which is the greatest good. And the evil (presumed) is one which is speculative and confined to those who seek and search for evil. Otherwise, the righteous are far from evil. May Allāh bless you, and all praise be to Allāh.
Original Fatwa: