[поиск мью!!!!] ᥴδ᧐ρнᥲя ᥴ᧐᧘янκᥲ δᥱɯᥱных δᴛдɸᥲᴦ᧐ʙ А᧘ᥱκᥴы ᥙ Руκκуᴛы🩻🩻

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Туᴛᥲ ρя᧘ьнᥲ ᥴδ᧐ρнᥲя ᥴ᧐᧘янκᥲ. Аρᴛы, ᥴᴛᥙκᥱρᥰᥲκᥙ, δ᧐ᴛы, ᥱдᥙᴛы ᥙ щᥰ ᥲᴛ дʙух ᴦᥱнᥙᥲ᧘ьных ᥲдʍᥙнᥲʙ: @meowrxts @maksimkyspls🩻🩻
ʍы ᧐᧘дᥲʍ н᧐ᴦᥙ цᥱ᧘уᥱʍ🫧🫧
!!TW!! ʍᥙ ʙᥙκ᧘ᥲдыʙᥲᥱʍ κᥲнᴛᥱнᴛ ʙ κᥲᴛ᧐ρᥲʍ ʍ᧐ɯᥱᴛ ᥴᥲдᥱρжᥲцᥲ κρ᧐ʙь, κᥙɯκᥙ, яρκᥙᥱ цʙᥱᴛᥲ/ʙᥴᥰыɯκᥙ, ᥱᥰнуᴛыᥱ ɸᥱᴛᥙɯᥙ🪬

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