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‎ ‎”... a surreal maquette should we transformed into a bona fide sort of masterpiece, turning everyone’s desire into sincere love that belongs to be utterly admired.“
still soon!
the art: @asresults
sincerely, m.

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Timakaci buat respon dan sarannya. Aku pamit bobo dan ini ada sedikit rejeki buat kalian. Goodnight semuanyaa ❤️❤️

Apa nanti di form manips aku sediain dua pilihan aja ya? A yes or no menurut kalian?

Jujur aku lebih suka yang kedua karena gak too much kayak hasil remini :( jadi bingung..

Lebih suka tingkat HD yang remini (❤️) or yang kedua(👍)?

BENTAR aku kelupaan mau tanya sesuatu

Planning to sleep early tonight karena kecapekan hari ini, so goodnight semuanya 😪

Anyway, ini manipsnya aku kerjain besok yaah!

Jangan asal unsubs please

Ih siapa unsubs 😡

Oke deh, selca yaa. Aku mau ambil dua slot aja. Boleh langsung send pair ke @a

Mending selca (❤️) lagi apa halfbody? (🥰) Jujur kalau halfbody aku juga masih belajar.. :”

Siapa mau manips gratis lagi...?


Kalau gitu aku mau reactnya dong!

Not the best manips I’ve ever made, but this Wonyoung Haerin manips is quite adorable? 🥺

Ok saatnya aku upload

Skip aja udahlah selama kalian udah isi duluan sebelum yang salah ini, then that's okay..

Astaga btw aku baru sadar selama ini salah masukin data mutual... Harusnya ch archive tuh @asfolder ya tmn tmn, bukan @dsfolder 😭😭 skdsksg bingung mau benerin satu satunya gimana karena banyak bgt

Forward from: ROUVERSE, SOON!
[ To all of our mutuals who has seen this, would you do @Rouverse a favor by forwarding this very message to your business channel? Much obliged. ]

Exuberance thump amidst the alacrity excitement upon overture countdown goes thunderous, stentorian clamorous every second passed. Therefore, sanctioned encyclical memorandum epistle anoint orient within th' corral evenlop, waltzed in to invite all personages athwart th' continent to join us in our GRAND OPENING: Rouverse's Debuts on April 7th, 19:00 GMT + 7—come one come all, we shall provide you with the best service we can offer:

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Again, 'tis tryst subpoena is addressed to all. Now that we're officially debuting: you can grab your '' rel='nofollow'>ticket '' rel='nofollow'>here and send it our way to @RouverseRobot at 7 PM, don't forget to read the regulations beforehand. Thank you for the attention, this has been, MR. ROVER.

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