Bidding my warmest greetings to all the people who are near around here. We are
The Baboonery is currently searching for a new members to fulfill our groupchat, but before you’re knockin' our bot, there are some rules that you must follow. Worry not, the rules are very simple!
i. Only for 00-04 liners, we accept all genders, any type of roleplayer, also twins with maximum capacity (MAX 2), so please ask for your muse's slot first.
ii. Make sure that muse fix character, not in temporary swap or multichara. Also know your muse well get another point.
iii. Not a spy or clone account (in a wrong way), two faces, planning to leaving and rest from roleplayer, silent reader, and can't keep secrets.
iv. Talkactive, creakhead, a loud person, can mingle with each other get point plus ++ from us.
And, if you interested to join us and already obey the rules. Please contact
Baboonery's Robot We're selective so make sure you are an active member!