Aglostip! CLOSEEEE

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Category: Blogs

☘ ミ 𝒲elcome to @Aglostip. Your trust is our patron; our ℰntrusted 𝒮ervices would helping you realising business in ease and 𝐥𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞!
Contact order: @AglostipBot
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Status: Close.

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halo semua! @Aglostip close untuk jangka yang lumayan panjang ya, kemungkinan open lagi saat bulan januari. terimakasih banyak yang udah mampir dan order yaa, have a pleasant day!

Forward from: vtaeyoung, day 5
✦. 👒🪴 A sculpture so beautifully designed becomes a pleasure to the mind, in colours of yellow, red and brown. Wearing a true autumnal gown. Proudly announcing this username based on TAEYOUNG CRAVITY that's finally up for sale with offer system!


🍂. The addition of the letter V at the beginning is very suitable for personal use or investment.

☘. This offering session will be started from Desember 17, 2021 and Close offer Desember 21, 2021 at 20.00 WIB.

🍂. The offer starts from the least bid IDR 20.000 kb IDR 2.000. Serious buyer only without any intention to hit and run.

☘. Make sure your budget is ready because it is strictly forbidden to hit and run. Asked to offer with main account! We will not hesitate to get banned if your account is suspicious.

🍂. Drop your best offer at comsect or

☘. We provide some payment methods through DANA, SPAY, QRIS (+2K). Contact person; @hyungsikr.

᯽. Jastip & Handled by @Aglostip

halo halo haloo! kita udah open all paket yaa, biasakan baca dan terapkan regulations nya, untuk pricelist bisa kesini dan kalo udah fix order langsung aja kirim format order ke @AglostipBot. selamat jajan!

close! terimakasih banyak yang udah mampir dan order yaa, masih bisa kirim format kok tapi di bales nya besok pagi pas udah open. jangan lupa ikutan offer @vTaeyoung have a nice dream🤍

halo halo haloo! kita udah open all paket yaa, biasakan baca dan terapkan regulations nya, untuk pricelist bisa kesini dan kalo udah fix order langsung aja kirim format order ke @AglostipBot. selamat jajan!

Close yaaa! makasih banyak yang udah nitipin dagangannya disini. keep healthy & good night!❤️‍🔥

HALOO! maaf telat open, kita udah open all paket yaa, biasakan baca dan terapkan regulations nya, untuk pricelist bisa kesini dan kalo udah fix order langsung aja kirim format order ke @AglostipBot. selamat jajan!

Close yaaa! makasih banyak yang udah nitipin dagangannya disini. Jangan lupa ikutan offer si ganteng @qDonghyuck nyaa😍😍 keep healthy & good night!❤️‍🔥

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