Dear Participants,
For those planning to take the CSAA certification exam by AAOIFI, please be aware that the exam is conducted in English. Consequently, our online live training course will also be in English. To prepare effectively, we strongly recommend that you start reading Islamic finance educational materials in English daily from now on.
For those who prefer, we offer lessons in Uzbek during the training as well.
Upon enrollment, we will provide preparation study materials in our dedicated enrollment Telegram group.
Our goal is to help 100% of our participants pass the CSAA exam, insha'Allah.
For those planning to take the CSAA certification exam by AAOIFI, please be aware that the exam is conducted in English. Consequently, our online live training course will also be in English. To prepare effectively, we strongly recommend that you start reading Islamic finance educational materials in English daily from now on.
For those who prefer, we offer lessons in Uzbek during the training as well.
Upon enrollment, we will provide preparation study materials in our dedicated enrollment Telegram group.
Our goal is to help 100% of our participants pass the CSAA exam, insha'Allah.