𝐀mesαv Store 🛍

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buat mutuals BA ak, boleh fw ke BA kalian?

yeyy akhir.a openn

𝓢alutations telelings ! We are 𝐀mesav 𝓢tore. Provide Upsubs, Upview, Verif, writing services, Mathematics assignment jockeys, Mandarin Jockey, English Jockey, and Themed Icons. Starting from Rp 3.000, - and you will get the best service from us. Before ordering, follow our rules here.

Payment can be via dana, qris, pulsa ( smartfren, xl, tri ) and shopee pay.
and don't hesitate to buy and ask @amsstoreBot !
have a nice day and don't forget to shop here 🥰🛍‼ ️

with love,
amesav store crew.

Forward from: 𝕺urces 𝐒pacist : OPEN
[ To all of my beloved BA mutuals or everyone who see this message, can you help me to spread this message to your channel? Thank’s a lot! ]

Hi peeps! I wanna say that @OurceSpacist will open TODAY, AT 2PM. We provides, tap here. For yall who buy it, you can buy with the payment method via, you can see in Tnc for more ya! Stay tune for more updates! Thank you so much & have a great day everyone!


format pemesanan :

pink crown
username buyer =
muse/chara =
replace "aeri uchinaga" =
replace "giselle" =
replace "aespa" =
JPG+PNG = (buyer/seller)
payment = (dana, qris, s-pay)

kirim ke @amsstorebot

Pink Crown
Price : 4k
JPG + PNG : 1 + 2


format pemesanan :

usn buyer :
muse/chara :
replace "sava" :
replace "love someone who makes you feel special" :
JPG : ( buyer/seller )
payment : ( dana, qris, s-pay )

kirim ke @amsstorebot

code : chain
price : 3K ( recolor +2k )
JPG : 1


format pemesanan :

blue mv
usn buyer :
muse/chara :
replace "chaeyoung dahyun" :
replace "나로 바꾸자 switch to me by dahyun and chaeyoung – melody project" :
JPG : (buyer/seller)
payment : (dana, qris, s-pay)

kirim ke @amsstorebot

code : blue mv
price : 4k ( recolor +2k )
JPG : 2

20 last posts shown.


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