Forward from: EDEN: LepidoFAN!
A flower
woken up into the world
with the memories of a star.
It decides to find the star and uncover the meanings of the memories and the world of Eden.
woken up into the world
with the memories of a star.
It decides to find the star and uncover the meanings of the memories and the world of Eden.
⊹ 。 ゚⁖✦ ˖ ⊹ 。 ゚˖ ✧ ⊹ 。 ゚⁖ °✦⊰ ‧₊°⁺.˚
✧ 𐌿ρᥙʙᥱᴛᥴᴛʙуᥱʍ ʙ EDEN: Lepidofan —
᧐δᥙᴛᥱ᧘ь ɸᥲнκ᧐нᴛᥱнᴛᥲ ᥰ᧐ ᴛʙ᧐ρчᥱᥴᴛʙу pastarru!
✦Нᥲ ϶ᴛ᧐ʍ κᥲнᥲ᧘ᥱ ʙы ʍ᧐жᥱᴛᥱ уʙᥙдᥱᴛь ɸᥲнᥲρᴛы, ϶дᥙᴛы, ᥲʙᥲᴛᥲρκᥙ, ᥴᴛᥙκᥱρᥰᥲκᥙ ᥙ ʍн᧐ᴦ᧐ᥱ дρуᴦ᧐ᥱ ᥴʙяɜᥲн᧐ᥱ ᥴ ᥰρ᧐ᥱκᴛᥲʍᥙ ᥰᥲᥴᴛᥲρρу
✧𐌺᧐нᴛᥱнᴛ δᥱρёᴛᥴя ᧐ᴛ ɸᥲнᥲᴛ᧐ʙ ᥙ ᥴ᧐цᥙᥲ᧘ьных ᥴᥱᴛᥱᥔ ᥲʙᴛ᧐ρᥲ
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⊹ 。 ゚⁖✦ ˖ ⊹ 。 ゚˖ ✧ ⊹ 。 ゚⁖ °✦⊰ ‧₊°⁺.˚