🔜 Telegram presented statistics on blocked groups and chats
☀️ According to Durov, every month moderators removed "about 1 million channels and groups, as well as more than 10 million users who violated the rules."
❤️ According to the data at the time of writing, the messenger has blocked a total of more than 15.4 million groups and channels since the beginning of 2024
☀️ According to Durov, every month moderators removed "about 1 million channels and groups, as well as more than 10 million users who violated the rules."
❤️ According to the data at the time of writing, the messenger has blocked a total of more than 15.4 million groups and channels since the beginning of 2024
🔜 Telegram представил статистику заблокированных групп и чатов
☀️ По словам Дурова, каждый месяц модераторы удаляли «около 1 млн каналов и групп, а также более 10 млн пользователей, нарушивших правила»
❤️ Согласно данным на момент написания, с начала 2024 года мессенджер заблокировал в совокупности свыше 15,4 млн групп и каналов