⭐️ As always, while you're reading this text, someone is already buying up all the land in Arcona Metareality around the magnificent Notre-Dame-de-Paris. Land will be on sale at a price of $0.10 per square meter.
❓ Coordinates of the Location:
📍 48.853012°, 2.349986°
👍 And of course, the bonus: the winner of the AR-project competition will receive 500 GOLD coins.
❓ Event Time:
⏱ Start at 14:00 UTC, December 15th!
⌛ As always, you will have 48 hours to purchase plots of land around the famous Notre-Dame-de-Paris cathedral for just 10 GOLD.
❓ What Do We Know About Notre-Dame-de-Paris?
🏰 Notre-Dame-de-Paris is one of the most famous and magnificent Gothic cathedrals in the world, located in the heart of Paris. This architectural masterpiece symbolizes the rich history and cultural heritage of France.
❓ Why Metareality?
🤓 Experts predict that after the restoration of the cathedral following the devastating fire, around 13 million tourists will flock here next year. A significant flow of visitors is expected, making this place ideal for investment opportunities in the AR space.
❓ What's Going to Be Here?
👑 This is the best place for commercial projects created by the most proactive users. Our landowners will be able to monetize their locations using both their own content and ready-made solutions: advertising surfaces for posters and video ads, shops, showrooms, games, and teleports.
💎 Bonus: 500 GOLD coins will be awarded to the one who gathers plots for the Dragon Domain, decorates them with a name, description, and a banner depicting the future construction plan. The team will select the best project and award the prize.
✅ Open the map and find the green pins in the specified locations.
✅ Click on the pins and zoom in to open the hexagonal grid.
✅ Select a hexagon and click the "buy land" button in the side menu.
✅ Buy several plots in bulk by clicking on the hexagons.
🧪 Teleport to the sale via the link: Arcona Portal
⭐️ As always, while you're reading this text, someone is already buying up all the land in Arcona Metareality around the magnificent Notre-Dame-de-Paris. Land will be on sale at a price of $0.10 per square meter.
❓ Coordinates of the Location:
📍 48.853012°, 2.349986°
👍 And of course, the bonus: the winner of the AR-project competition will receive 500 GOLD coins.
❓ Event Time:
⏱ Start at 14:00 UTC, December 15th!
⌛ As always, you will have 48 hours to purchase plots of land around the famous Notre-Dame-de-Paris cathedral for just 10 GOLD.
❓ What Do We Know About Notre-Dame-de-Paris?
🏰 Notre-Dame-de-Paris is one of the most famous and magnificent Gothic cathedrals in the world, located in the heart of Paris. This architectural masterpiece symbolizes the rich history and cultural heritage of France.
❓ Why Metareality?
🤓 Experts predict that after the restoration of the cathedral following the devastating fire, around 13 million tourists will flock here next year. A significant flow of visitors is expected, making this place ideal for investment opportunities in the AR space.
❓ What's Going to Be Here?
👑 This is the best place for commercial projects created by the most proactive users. Our landowners will be able to monetize their locations using both their own content and ready-made solutions: advertising surfaces for posters and video ads, shops, showrooms, games, and teleports.
💎 Bonus: 500 GOLD coins will be awarded to the one who gathers plots for the Dragon Domain, decorates them with a name, description, and a banner depicting the future construction plan. The team will select the best project and award the prize.
✅ Open the map and find the green pins in the specified locations.
✅ Click on the pins and zoom in to open the hexagonal grid.
✅ Select a hexagon and click the "buy land" button in the side menu.
✅ Buy several plots in bulk by clicking on the hexagons.
🧪 Teleport to the sale via the link: Arcona Portal